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I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:31 pm
by Walks
Some of you may know I'm an artist. (You can see some stuff here:
I'm currently in the early stages of a Magnum themed skate deck, and I need some dialogue - Only Magnum, no back and forth.

Maybe something about the "Woke up and I was 33 - Realized I'd never been 23..."
Anybody got any ideas?

Needs to be fairly long. Look at the decks on the Tumblr page to see what I'm talking about.

Thanks in advance!


Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:39 pm
by Stelth
Click on the Magnum Mania banner and go to the episodes section. There you will find quotes from every show. Start with a favorite episode. I think that would yield better results than people randomly posting things...unless random is what you're after.

This isn't quite what you asked for but this is what I'd use:
Magnum: Ivan...
Ivan: Yes?
Magnum: Did you see the sunrise this morning?

Maybe one of the voiceovers that start with Magnum talking about living in paradise.

Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:19 pm
by Walks
yeah - I like the Paradise thing - Also the "When I write my book..."

Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:47 pm
by Stelth
Memories Are Forever (1)
Magnum: Dreams are supposed to represent your subconscious wishes and conflicts. It's sort of a private movie you write, produce and direct. Only you can't hide your eyes in your dreams, even when they are scaring you to death.

not sure what episode...I found it on imdb
Thomas Sullivan Magnum III: [voiceover] Hawaii is one of those places that keeps topping itself - just when you think you'll never see a sunset as beautiful, there comes a sunrise that even Gauguin can only imagine. It kind of makes unemployment easier to take.

The Eighth Part of the Village
Magnum: Fate has a nasty way of popping up and waggling it's long, bony finger under your nose. Sometimes it's a squeaker at 70 miles an hour. Sometimes it's a plane you missed that never makes it back from the Bermuda Triangle. But whatever it is, you always get the message: It's time to stop taking your good luck for granted. (Narration)

Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:56 pm
by Doc Ibold
"All for one" has some decent stuff.

Are you looking for profound, pithy, friendship? We can guide you where you need to!

Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:49 pm
by J.J. Walters
Double Jeopardy

Magnum: Even on the redeye it's wonderful flying into Honolulu for a vacation in paradise. But, it's not nearly so wonderful when you're a private investigator who's just spent two weeks in Bakersfield on a case and been stiffed by your client. And it's even worse when your ride from the airport didn't show up, and the cab driver's listening to the "Orange Blossom Special". (Narration)

The Eighth Part of the Village

Magnum: Fate has a nasty way of popping up and waggling it's long, bony finger under your nose. Sometimes it's a squeaker at 70 miles an hour. Sometimes it's a plane you missed that never makes it back from the Bermuda Triangle. But whatever it is, you always get the message: It's time to stop taking your good luck for granted. (Narration)

Home From the Sea

Magnum: I've always felt at home on the ocean, even as a kid. Maybe that's why I spend so much time alone on it, even on the 4th of July. I know, the Fourth should be spent with your buddies drinking beer, or eating hot dogs at the ballpark, or hoping into a potato sack race with your best girl, or barbequing in the back yard with your folks. Maybe for most Americans, but for me it's been a day to spend alone, to remember. So, here I was all alone on the ocean starting my annual Independance Day remembrance. At least I wouldn't get my fingers blown off by a cherry bomb. (Narration)

Smaller Than Life

Magnum: In paradise, each day is as gentle as the last. Life flows easily from one moment to the next, quietly washing away limits and boundaries until you think there are no rules at all. That's a mistake. There is at least one rule I'd promise myself I'd never forget: If you are going to jump off a cliff, be sure you are ready to fly. (Narration)

On Face Value

Magnum: When I write my book on being a first class private investigator, Rule Number 168 is going to be: "If you're getting chased, you should be in a fast car". Postscript to Rule 168: "No matter how fast your car is, there can always be one that's faster. (Narration)

Round and Around

Magnum: I'm not really sure which kind of private investigator I am. The Holmesian-type with the constant deductive mind, or one with a Marlowe-type intuitive sense of the darker side of human nature? Hopefully a combination of both. At any rate, it doesn't matter. Not when you have a "little voice". I don't know, maybe a gently nagging "little voice" is just another way of adding what you know, to what you feel, but right now mine wasn't "gently nagging". It was screaming. (Narration)

Photo Play

Magnum: ...Anyway, I never had a cat for a pet. I never did. I don't know what happened, but I had this cousin Claude, and he had this long-haired Persian. We used to play this great game with him on the kitchen linoleum. We called it "Spin the Cat". See, you'd take the cat and you'd spin him around, about eight or ten times. Then see, you'd just slide him down the kitchen floor, all the way to the door. You should see the cat when he tries to walk back to you. It's great! Oh, it didn't hurt the cat. I mean, he, no, he liked the game. No, honest. He loved it. He loved it! He used to try to get us to play it with him, all the time.

Tiger Fan

Magnum: I've always loved baseball. I think it has more of the American character than any other sport. It's competitive without being cutthroat. It's basically simple, but capable of incredible complexity. Baseball is played in parks. It has no clock except for the eternal rhythm of each individual game. This gives it thrilling bursts of action and moments of leisurely tranquility. All-in-all, I'm convinced that baseball represents one of man's noblest endeavors. (Narration)

Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:52 pm
by Walks
Something that might sound cliched to usMagnum experts - Something that sums up the character.

I dunno...

Kinda tough....

Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:09 pm
by J.J. Walters
Magnum: "The Man doesn't choose the Sea, the Sea chooses the Man."


Magnum: Hi, guys!


Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:10 am
by Stelth
...I know what you're thinking.

Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:25 am
by mikeaz123
Actually I prefer private investigator, not private eye (or something similar to that)

Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:31 pm
by Steve
Higgins, don't you ever knock!

Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:00 pm
by Walks
Tose are all good, but the narrative needs to be longer - Maybe I'll write my own and piece together parts of other speeches...

Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:55 pm
by Stelth
Maybe this link will help:,_P.I.

Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:51 pm
by Smilinjack445

Re: I need some good Magnum Dialogue

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:48 pm
by Stelth,_P.I.

Weird how the link won't work.
google "magnum p.i. quotes about paradise"

for me it's the 4th link down

I wonder why the pasted link won't work?