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Magnum's Traits

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:57 pm
by Braddah Kimo
Was thinking of Magnum's Personal traits. In other words, how would someone who knew him well, describe him, say one local to another local...
Magnum Traits
Always broke, never had more than 200 dollars in his own bank account. Cons his friends into helping him all the time. Cheats TC out of actual cash business so he can take advantage of TC's time and chopper. Doesn't know local lingo. Never has learned to ingratiate himself with locals. He appears apprehensive and ill-at-ease with local braddahs. And as especially HE should know, people smell fear. Da Blalah immediately has the upper hand upon meeting up with Thomas.
Doesn't sound local. Doesn't act local. Acts as if he is a fob. (this of all traits inherent in the guy would be the most damaging to any P.I. that expects to be successful here.)
He never seems to have any cash and expects favors continually always with the same rejoinder; I owe you one. He should display exactly the opposite; have money and favors in the favor bank so THEY are indebted to you. He should carry with him a cache of decent denomination dead presidents to grease any and all wheels and in the event of emercencies. Which there seem to be many of. He does not own a car, depending on the largesse of the estate's major domo, which of course is withheld often enough for it to be a hinderance to just about any ongoing case. And the car that he does use most often is the most ostentatious, least generic auto one could find, the total diametrical opposite of a vehicle any local p.i. should use.
Never buys his own wine. Continually leeches off the inventory of Robin's wine cellar mostly surreptitiously. (By now the wine cellar would be empty it can safely be assumed.)
He shirks his estate duties often enough and really should go above and beyond what is expected. 110% so there is never any hesitancy or non-cooperation or lack of generosity from Higgins or Mr. Masters. Which he seemingly takes advantage of.
He seems to be not much of a womanizer... methinks in real life da braddah would bed each and every vahine that smiles at him. He pines for his long lost love...
He is for a bachelor, a good housekeeper. Neat, tidy. Probably owing to the pop surprise visits of Higgy baby. And the occasional chica visit.
Keeps in great shape with religious water sports, something anyone should employ living on da beach... But needs leg work in the gym. Chicken legs.
He is charming and he is conversant with guns and combat situations which seem to be the main traits that make him an o.k. private investigator... But shootouts and jungle combat isn't what takes up most of the time of your average P.I.. But then who wants a TV show about an average PI!

What other salient characteristics can we add to the list...