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New Magnum story

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:24 pm
by robspace54
I have posted a 4th (yes fourth) Magnum, p.i. story over on fanfictiondotnet

Called "Master Code."

Rob (aka robspace54)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:23 pm
by Mavrick
Right on, Thank you for sharing I have not got to read the whole thing being it is a very busy day today but I will read it tonight and give you my honest thoughts on it, so far so good,

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:46 am
by robspace54
The story behind the story... last June/July I was working on a story (call it story C) in my Magnum-verse of 2010, the third story I've penned. I got bogged down so set it aside.

The day I decided I was stuck I was cutting the grass and thought about a line in story C where TM talks about the Ferrari needing body work after an encounter with a goat. I thought about that one sentence and expanded on it and when I finished the grass in an hour and a new story was laid out. That became "A Goat's Tale" after about two weeks of work.

Great I thought; three stories and that's it... but what about the bogged down story? I got back to it this fall and got the thing up to 16,000 words and got stuck again. Too many things happening, too many characters, you know what I mean. Just couldn't pull all the threads together.

Last Saturday morning I sat down at the computer in some disgust with myself about all that work wasted and started wiith TM in a stakeout to see if it would go anywhere. By Monday night, and 6,500+ words later, "Master Code" was done. I posted it on the web Tuesday morning and by noon that day was getting a lot of visitors.

I consider these things "practice" for my own detective (private investigator?) who does not drive a Ferrari or live in a beach house. :-)


Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:44 am
by J.J. Walters
Awesome. Can't wait to read it, robspace54! Your Magnum stuff is really good. Loved "A Goat's Tale"! :)

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:37 pm
by steveadl
Wow, thanks guys! Didn't know about so will have to start doing some reading! :D

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:19 am
by robspace54
JJ, thanks for the good vibs. "A Goat's Tale" let me get inside the heads of Nick C. and Rita B. in a way that I hadn't done before. That's when I switched the narrative to first person for TM and his two new sidekicks. That was fun to write!

Meanwhile those little gray cells keep making me wonder about Rita Barzkoff. She used to work on the mainland but now lives on Oahu. Might there be a story there? :-)