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Top 10 all-time favourite episodes

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:46 pm
by Jay-Firestorm
Sorry if this thread has been done before – it has, I couldn’t find it.
After finishing watching the whole series right through, it seemed like a good time to put together a list of my Top 10 all-time favourite episodes, and would be interested in seeing others.

I’m being really strict here – TEN, no more (no long lists; no “I had to do a Top 20” lol); This was hard, so many greats that I had to leave out. Some are fan favourites, others are personal ‘underdog’ favourites. I’ve counted feature-length eps as one story. (Season in brackets)

1. HOME FROM THE SEA (4) – My all-time favourite episode, I find this one almost hypnotic
2. MAC’S BACK (5) - The only ep that I really care for from the rock-bottom fifth season; I first watched this when suffering depression about 3am one morning, and was gripped
3. LITTLE GIRL WHO (7) – The best of the Michelle-connected stories in my personal opinion; some great scenes, and a great shootout
4. PAPER WAR (7) – Possibly the best ever Magnum/Higgins episode
5. BLACK ON WHITE (3) – Another good Magnum/Higgins story, with a great plot to boot
6. J. “DIGGER” DOYLE (1) – Good adventure with lots of things going for it, not least Erin Gray
7. CHINA DOLL (1) – The first regular ep after the Pilot, I love this one, for both it’s story, and the exotic feel it has to it
8. DID YOU SEE THE SUNRISE? (3) – Possibly the best of the feature-length episodes (although ‘Memories Are Forever’ comes close)
9. BEAUTY KNOWS NO PAIN (1) – This is my real underdog entry (s4’s ‘Let The Punishment Fit The Crime’ was another contender), people seem indifferent about this ep, but I love it
10. FAITH AND BEGORRAH (3) – I had to include one “Higgins’ half-brother” story, and this one just beat ‘The Elmo Ziller Story’ (personally I never really took to ‘Who Is Don Luis Higgins…’)

This was TOUGH. No ‘Memories Are Forever’, no ‘Death and Taxes’, no ‘Operation: Silent Night’ (they came out just over tenth place). Have a go yourself – but remember, I’m being STRICT – TEN, no more, no long lists! :lol:

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:37 am
by Magnum T.
As soon as I re-watch the entire series I'll post my list.
Some of yours will be probably in my list too.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:47 am
by J.J. Walters
Boy, you're right Jay. It sure is hard to narrow down the list!

My Top 10, as it stands right now...

1. Black on White
2. Memories Are Forever
3. J. "Digger" Doyle
4. Laura
5. China Doll
6. Death and Taxes
7. Did You See the Sunrise?
8. The Woman on the Beach
9. Home From the Sea
10. Limbo

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:51 pm
by Commandress
This is a little bit of a “blind” list, as I've not seen a lot of episodes since 2003:

1. Unfinished Business – One of the most heart-wrenching pieces of TV I've seen. Unforgettable.
2. Paper War – Need I say why? Magnum vs Higgins could never get old.
3. Limbo - Simply gorgeous.
4. Black On White – Great use of Higgins and British military history.
5. Little Girl Who - So very touching. Fine blend of softness and action.
6. Did You See The Sunrise? - For the end, if nothing else (and there's plenty else).
7. Operation: Silent Night – The four regulars up against it, together. Great to watch on December 24th!
8. Solo Flight – The most “Magnum-centric” of episodes. He's really on his own here.
9. Faith and Begorrah – Great to see Richard Johnson – and John Hillerman, twice.
10. Mac's Back - Very character-driven, so very good.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:56 pm
by Jay-Firestorm
Nice to see your lists, James and Commandress. A lot of yours were on my shortlist too.
(Except Commandress, I did consider 'Solo Flight', but could never take it over the original 'Home From the Sea' :lol: )

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:32 pm
by ConchRepublican
I haven't completed watching the series in it's entirety yet, but here's what I come up with ~

1 - Limbo
2 - China Doll
3 - Home From the Sea
4 - J "Digger" Doyle
5 - Did You See the Sunrise
6 - Death and Taxes
7 - Black on White
8 - Never Again ... Never Again
9 - The Jororo Kill
10 - Paper War

Wow . . . picking only 10 is tough . . .

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:56 pm
by Jay-Firestorm
Good to see 'China Doll' getting some love, from both James and Conch.

It was one of the very first episodes I ever saw (not because it is the first regular ep, but ITV here in the UK ran the episodes out of sequence, especially on re-runs), I just love the feel of it. A great villain, a more mysterious, 'adult' feel than some of the mid-run eps, and simply a great story.

Now if I could just finally get a complete, correct copy (DVD version has the music out of sync - see review) :)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:59 pm
by ConchRepublican
Jay-Firestorm wrote:Good to see 'China Doll' getting some love, from both James and Conch.

It was one of the very first episodes I ever saw (not because it is the first regular ep, but ITV here in the UK ran the episodes out of sequence, especially on re-runs), I just love the feel of it. A great villain, a more mysterious, 'adult' feel than some of the mid-run eps, and simply a great story.

Now if I could just finally get a complete, correct copy (DVD version has the music out of sync - see review) :)
China Doll is one of my all time faves. From "Hi Ho" to the Tong warrior getting his head blown off, I loved it. Sure, Mai Ling's acting was pretty bad, but this episode I feel cemented the group. Rick playing his part, TC "watch his eyes, he blinks before he strikes".

I just love it.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:18 pm
by only looking
great thread..for me I'd have to say

1) Memories are forever
2) Did you see the sunrise
3) Way of the stalking horse
4) unfinished business
5) Limb
6) Little girl who
7) Resolutions
8) paper war
9) Transitions
10) solo flight
and sorry but I have to list "Death and Taxes"..if anyone wanted to hook someone on Magnum I think these would do it. :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:18 pm
by Jay-Firestorm
ConchRepublican wrote:China Doll is one of my all time faves. From "Hi Ho" to the Tong warrior getting his head blown off, I loved it. Sure, Mai Ling's acting was pretty bad, but this episode I feel cemented the group. Rick playing his part, TC "watch his eyes, he blinks before he strikes".

I just love it.
Ha, I love "Hi, Ho" too, complete with Magnum's realisaton of what he's just said, and the Tong dude who can kill in the blink of an eye. Actually, I didn't find Mai Ling's acting too bad - there is far worse in the series.

Anyway, we should probably be discussing this on the dedicated thread! :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:26 pm
by Jay-Firestorm
only looking wrote:9) Transitions
...Really? I personally consider this one of the weakest eps, but it's great that everyone finds different things in each eps.
only looking wrote: and sorry but I have to list "Death and Taxes"..if anyone wanted to hook someone on Magnum I think these would do it. :wink:
Tuh, cheat! If I had done that, my list would be something like a Top 30 :lol: I'd take 'Death and Taxes' over 'Transitions' anyday, though. :)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:28 pm
by only looking
Jay I think for me.."Transitions" was more of a personal episode. When Magnum is going through all his stuff and deciding what to keep and what to throw away..he's moving on in his life. Plus the speech he gives about his Grandfather said about CHANGE came in a time in my life about a year after my father committed suicide and it was a very tough time and so where several years latter. Guess it's always kind of with you..but it helped me get through a rough spot. Oddily enough "Happy Gilmore" was the first time in over a year I had actually it also has a warm place in my heart. If it weren't for that...Death and Taxes would have edged it out as well. :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:32 pm
by ConchRepublican
only looking wrote:Jay I think for me.."Transitions" was more of a personal episode. When Magnum is going through all his stuff and deciding what to keep and what to throw away..he's moving on in his life. Plus the speech he gives about his Grandfather said about CHANGE came in a time in my life about a year after my father committed suicide and it was a very tough time and so where several years latter. Guess it's always kind of with you..but it helped me get through a rough spot. Oddily enough "Happy Gilmore" was the first time in over a year I had actually it also has a warm place in my heart. If it weren't for that...Death and Taxes would have edged it out as well. :wink:
Only Looking . . . . I'm sorry for your loss . . .

That's what I love about Magnum, which many people don't get. The realness of the characters and how their lessons connect in our lives.

I have a very close relationship with Limbo for similar reasons. I had a loss and the whole tenor of the episode stayed with me and helped me deal with what I had to deal with.

"I love you, and I'm letting you go." Can applied in many ways . . .

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:09 am
by Jay-Firestorm
Maybe that's why I like 'Mac's Back' so much. Nothing like the terrible things experienced by other folks, but it was the middle of the night, I was awake with depression and various psychological conditions (that makes me sound really messed up!) and watched 'Mac's Back' which I had set my timer for when it was shown earlier in the day.

It totally took me out of myself. I had not seen any post-fourth season episodes at that point, so did not know if it really was the return of Mac or what was going on, and it really took my mind off of things for an hour (well, more like two, as I kept re-winding to watch bits again! :lol:)

That's why it is one of my favourite episodes - although even beyond that, I do consider it a classic.

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:21 am
by Italian Ice
Here’s my list below, in NO particular order. I tend to enjoy these ones the most. I based it on a few things, such as entertainment, re-watching, the plot, among others and that I enjoyed watching these ones more than a lot of the others. No doubt you will see that this list is very different from many others. I also feel that most of these episodes are underrated in terms of the Top 10 Lists I see so far.

China Doll – if it wasn’t for the success of this episode, MPI may not have made it that much further, which is what I heard on Hollywood Story. A very solid episode

Italian Ice – My Italian heritage made me like this one a lot, also made me laugh when translating the language (especially the espresso scene). Very solid episode with some good surprises (Higgin’s gets shot!)

Mr. White Death – a very underrated episode, but one of the best, if not the best of Season 3. A heartwarming ending, and it’s a shame Ernest’s character didn’t return later. Good ending too!

I Witness – this one had a bit of everything, humor, a case to solve, a surprise ending when I first saw it. Underrated no doubt by many fans, but I really like this one, and it’s a good one to show to “newbies”.

Tropical Madness – one of those other episodes that’s easy to watch over and over. It was hilarious all throughout with a good storyline on the way. Little champagne?

Of Sound Mind – no bad guys, but I liked how this one developed and how the story went, and of course the costume party was awesome, and I enjoy costume parties. Faking my own death is something that would be a crazy prank to do. A very fun episode to watch.

Squeeze Play – I like playing baseball, and even though I don’t watch it, I enjoyed this one. I know it didn’t have the best plot and a little too many “convenient” moments, but this is one I like to revisit.

Letter to a Duchess – besides a good fight at the end, this one was an enjoyable episode. Seeing TM trying to make a chili dog was too much!

Distant Relative – a good combination of humor and seriousness and probably my dark horse on this list. A powerful episode to watch and a shocking one at best

Limbo – the only one of the “psychic”, “paranormal” or “ghost” episodes (besides Mac’s Back) that I enjoyed. I didn’t know the history about this one at first, but I enjoyed it a lot. A sad story and it would have been that way if the show actually ended here…..

Honorable Mentions go to these 5 for pretty much the same reasons as mentioned above

Holmes is Where the Heart Is – good acting, good story, wish there was more Magnum though, but very solid
Death and Taxes – every series needs a darker episode, and this one is it!
J Digger Doyle – just love this one, it had a great balance and a bit of everything.
Forty – great guest stars, my favorite Magnum babe, and a milestone all make this one very solid.
Paper War – When I first saw this, I was convinced of the Robin Masters theory