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Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:24 pm
by ConchRepublican
Braddah Kimo wrote:Oh, So Now she is crazy.
Here is the reaction that will be received if this "good idea", "nice daydream" were pursued, based on my half century living here in Hawai'i;

Hey you haoles, you all love to assume. Create scenarios, and make up s#!t all the time, we dunno where it comes from, we don't care, but it's incredibly annoying, and has been forever: "I am sure this is it." "Probably that is what's happening." "Oh this is gotta be what's going on..." "I guess that it was..."
"Hey, I am sure you have enough money fix your place!"
"I know Eve does not care anymore"
"Here is what it would cost to repair the place..."
"She is at a certain age I am sure she thinks this..."
"This is more the thought going on in her head..." "It's more likely this..." "In my opinion, this is what she is thinking..."
And you americans all need to namecall and make labels for people and insult them. And their homes. "elderly heiress", "Her estate is deteriorating, falling into disrepair" "Lady, I am sure you are either insane or broke!" Sheesh. (We hear you have given the Marks Estate this treatment too)
Just leave us alone, never mind what we are worth, or what our intentions are, keep your own mainland standards there, stop being so friggin nosy, stay out of our private affairs and our private lives, tend to your own affair. Mind your own business, and we will mind ours. Do you know what live and let live means?

I didn't say it. But that is what will be said.
You may not hear it directly. But we will. Been hearing it for decades.

You're a funny one Braddah. So now Eve is not a haole or an American? Just how many generations must one go back to be an accepted Islander? I thought every white, or non Polynesion, person was haole.

Granted, it is presumptive to request someone do something with property they own, but then again, that's another problem because wasn't it us haole's that created the whole idea of land ownership and wrecked the islands for the peace loving do no wrong natives? Wouldn't wanting the Estate to be up on repairs and presentable be a boon to everyone, even if only from a "sore eyes" standpoint. Or did no Hawai'ian even tend to land before Cook showed up with a rake? Who knows and it really doesn't matter . . .

The point of this whole site is it's love of a TV show from 30 years ago. Things change over time, but as fans (short for fanatic) we have a more than casual interest in locations, people and things associated with the show and wish we could trap them in amber. Of course we can't, but it's a shame to see things that COULD be protected left to fall into disrepair.

Of course it's Eve's family estate and she can and should do what she wants with it. It would be nice to embrace the legacy of the show and enjoy what it means to people. That said, I'm not sure if I would do it were I in her place either. As we know all too well, a lot of people are idiots and have a disregard for the feelings, lives and cares of others and those that don't align with them. She lives there and it's her home and may not want to deal with what would come from a once or twice a week tour for a few hours.

As for her motives, no one was calling her names from what I can tell . . . they were wondering why. In the wondering they were throwing out possibilities. Is brainstorming, where all ideas are tossed out, a bad thing? Or is that another mainland curse we foisted on the perfect people of the islands?

It's getting real tough to be preached to post-in and post-out about how inconsiderate, uncaring, rude and obnoxious we haole's are. It's great to have a native Hawai'ian on these boards for the information factor and to get a true understanding of Hawai'i and her people as we've all acquired a differing level of interest in the Islands from the show, but there are better ways to share than the constant put downs.

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:31 pm
by Stelth
Kimo; you give a lot of lip service to the concepts of respect and manners but you certainly don't demonstrate it anywhere I've seen. My very first interaction with you was your crazy rant about metered lights. What's your deal? It's obvious you hate haoles from your constant diatribes. I said she MAY have dementia. This is in the realm of possibility, isn't it? An estate which was once beautiful is in disrepair. That fact is unsdisputable. Was I wrong to speculate at all? Are you saying native Hawaiians don't judge? If so that's funny because you are the most judgmental person on this entire site. Why do you bother with this site if the show and the haoles that post here annoy you so much? You certainly don't appear to be a fan based on the tone of your posts. You are an unpleasant negative guy who pretends to speak for the island of Hawaii and all its citizens as if it is under attack from the members of this forum. Lighten up braddah.

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:53 pm
by Braddah Kimo
A little more education, since you ask, again sorry to sound like a knowitall, but i am conveying true s#!t if you want to know local perspective and try to understand; it is a wholly different culturr than the mainland has.
as with all Hawaiian words each word has many meanings according to context. haole means outsider, foreigner. E.A. is kama'aina and not a foreigner. Many kama'aina still consider these islands separate from america, notwithstanding the statehood attribution.

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:13 pm
by Braddah Kimo
But yea apologies due for coming across as heavyhanded. It's still appropriate local response and one would want to learn our stance if one is interested in a Hawai'i based show.

Will try a softer approach, 'tho.

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:57 pm
by Doc Ibold
It's about Magnum PI, man... Not Hawaii.

Is the show set there? Sure. Is this site dedicated to the history of the Hawaiian islands and their relationship with the USA.. No.

In fact, most times you come on completely unprovoked out of left field swinging your "ignorant haole" stick at the most innocuous comment.

If you want to educate, that's well and good. Keep it topical, civil and above all not at the expense of other members and putting them down.

Calling everyone a haole and talking down to people just makes you look like an (anagram of haole). Use your status as a resident of the island to spread knowledge, not hate filled comments.

Thanks, and please remember your promise above.

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:13 pm
by ConchRepublican
Braddah Kimo wrote:But yea apologies due for coming across as heavyhanded. It's still appropriate local response and one would want to learn our stance if one is interested in a Hawai'i based show.

Will try a softer approach, 'tho.
Thank you!

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 2:24 am
by Braddah Kimo
doc, point taken. I get too militant. E kala mai. Sorry .

Not to excuse it, but when talk deviates from the show in particular and discussion veers towards our lifestyles here, there will be some cultureclash...

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:26 am
by Estate resident
Oahu IS a wholly different place. This is rarely understood by mainlanders who move there then move back 3 yrs later.

I still think she simply no longer cares & probably doesn't realize or care if others do.

Your cool w/ me Kimbo. Hawaii should secede.

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:50 am
by Sisophous
Estate resident wrote:Hawaii should secede.
The arrogance of you islanders is entertaining. You should thank the mainland Americans for supporting your island. The US government has poured billions of dollars into the islands and kept your standard of living high. Without the support of the USA, you people would be living in abject poverty, too bad you are too lost and out of touch to comprehend this. Keep up the hating. Your ignorance is amazing.

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:49 am
by ConchRepublican
Sisophous wrote:
Estate resident wrote:Hawaii should secede.
The arrogance of you islanders is entertaining. You should thank the mainland Americans for supporting your island. The US government has poured billions of dollars into the islands and kept your standard of living high. Without the support of the USA, you people would be living in abject poverty, too bad you are too lost and out of touch to comprehend this. Keep up the hating. Your ignorance is amazing.
I agree, a bit of a shortsighted position. Texas, OK, they could hold their own. Hawai'i? I love ya, but good luck.

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:05 am
by Lily
Expert on all things Hawaii - Bruddah Kimo, some years ago was on another forum -, where he posted under the name of lanikai. According to that forum, he is as haole as the rest of us and spouted off the same infuriating pidgin and haole talk as he does here. Time to grow up dude, you don't impress one iota.

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:02 pm
by ConchRepublican
Lily wrote:Expert on all things Hawaii - Bruddah Kimo, some years ago was on another forum -, where he posted under the name of lanikai. According to that forum, he is as haole as the rest of us and spouted off the same infuriating pidgin and haole talk as he does here. Time to grow up dude, you don't impress one iota.
And, since he lists pidgin as one of his dialects on his actors profile, I'm thinking Allen's getting in character to keep his skills current. :wink:

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:24 pm
by Steve
To get back on point it is my understanding that "The Estate" is in a trust and I am assuming that that the Dowager Lady Anderson is probably living on a trust fund as well. Remember, she was adopted into the Cox family empire and perhaps her annual take might not be enough to take care of what must be fairly large chunk of money for upkeep. This might be why she let the original H-50 and Magnum,pi use the property, to help defray the costs. Just a thought...............

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:51 pm
by Stelth
Lily wrote:Expert on all things Hawaii - Bruddah Kimo, some years ago was on another forum -, where he posted under the name of lanikai. According to that forum, he is as haole as the rest of us and spouted off the same infuriating pidgin and haole talk as he does here. Time to grow up dude, you don't impress one iota.

Braddah's a haole! That figures! What a phony....all his "we" talk is just wishful thinking. That is hilarious. He's probaby just a wanna-be actor from southern California,

Re: Current estate condition

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:27 pm
Steve you have a good point and that might be the the end of the day it's Eve's place and she can do whatever she wants with the place. I think the estate would look great with a good pruning which would also improve the view, but for whom.....for her to get any privacy she keeps the drapes closed (overgrown plants) so we can't look inwards and I respect that. I bet she would love to look out without us looking in. If somebody sent me a letter stating please clean your place up so we can gawk inside your place I would not be happy and probably start planting another row of plants to block the remaining view inside. As for BK.....he apologized so lets keep it more Magnum like (pleasant) on the forum. :D