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Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:07 pm
by rubber chicken
I do believe an estate bedroom is seen in Cloth of Gold (screenshot in this post). But in You Don't Have to Kill to Get Rich, But It Helps, both the scene where Shatner's character is talking to "Don Makala" and Mr. Speer's bedroom scene appear to me to take place on set. And oddly they appear to have used the same set for both rooms, even though the first was in "Makala's" apartment, and the second was at the estate. And the scenes were only less than two minutes (and a commercial) apart.

"Makala" scene in the apartment:
Image Image

Mr. Speer's bedroom scene at the estate:
Image Image

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:33 pm
by steveadl
The screen shots of the sea wall side of the estate are great. 14yrs time between the shots from Hawaii 5-0 and Magnum and it looks pretty much identical. Now 20yrs after Magnum (granted 6yrs longer) and it would look totally different and neglected.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:01 am
by Pahonu
Rubber Chicken, you're right. The new screen caps clearly show that. In Cloth of Gold there is an arched alcove to the right of the door that is missing here. Strange that they would use the same set moments apart for two entirely different places. I also agree with you that it was the actual bedroom in Cloth of Gold. I think the same bedroom was used in the final episode Woe to Wo Fat where McGarrett, as Dr Raintree, was being held captive with some type of gas. Have you seen that one?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:32 pm
by rubber chicken
I haven't seen Woe to Wo Fat but I'll be getting the dvd when it's available.

Yeah, I don't remember now why I didn't include the alcove in my previous post. Possibly just one too many photos. I'll include two below:

Image Image

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:38 pm
by Donuts ensucrats
Ohhh :shock:

How much has changed the Estate in this 40 years!!

They should spend a lot of money to become beautiful as in 1970 :(

The ocean air is tto agressive for the buildings.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:11 pm
by IKnowWhatYoureThinking
I know. Higgins would be shocked at the repair of the estate. I'm sure he would blame TM for letting it lapse into a state of disrepair.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:20 pm
by Sam
The bedroom in "Cloth of Gold" was filmed at the estate.This is a screencap from "Woe to Wo Fat" filmed in the same bedroom.McGarrett is entering the room from the lanai that is at the back of the house.

Notice that the drapes are the same in both episodes.


Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:04 pm
by Pahonu
Great observation Sam! I hadn't linked the two definitively, but I thought it was the one. I have that door and the lanai included on my Sketchup model. Woe to Wo Fat has many scenes at the estate if memory serves me, including one of the rooms in the single-story ell by the seawall. Unfortunately it is the last season, so we might have to wait awhile. Do you have the whole thing taped Sam?

Thanks for the caps Rubber Chicken. Every little bit helps with my model. Are there any shots of the wall to the left of the door? I have had to make so many changes based on new images that this project is taking much longer than I thought. Not that I'm complaining. Have either of you downloaded Sketchup and had a look? I will probably be sending James an updated version (though no where near complete) soon. I was very optimistic about finishing it months ago. Maybe after I see those caps from The Gunrunner. :)

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:34 pm
by Sam
Pahonu...I do have the episode saved to DVR...I can copy some of the scenes if you'd like...

This one you can see how McGarrett enters the room,,,he turns can see that this matches RC's cap of the doorway...

The room has two windows and a doorway to the lanai..

This is a short scene of the room.

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:15 am
by J.J. Walters
rubber chicken, thanks again for posting such great screen caps of the estate! As others have said, the estate looks absolutely beautiful in these pictures!

What a hoot it is to see William Shatner at the estate. And those clothes! :)

Sam, what in the world is up with that picture?? I've never seen McGarrett look like that! LOL! It's truly frightening. He looks like some weird mixture of the killers in Psycho, Dressed to Kill, and Killer Clowns From Outer Space! He also looks like he's levitating in the air. :?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:36 pm
by Pahonu
Cool Sam. Like I said every little bit helps, caps, video clips, any areas of the home that are not typically seen. In the first clip I just noticed there is a small window to the right just before the door they go through. They show this area from a distance in "Cloth of Gold" but I only saw two doors and missed the window at the end. I'll have to add this to the model. Thanks!

Was I correct about a scene in one of the rooms in the one-story ell by the seawall?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:04 pm
by Sam
There's also a window on the other side.


Yes Sir..You were correct..The fireplace is in the middle of the wing but what they don't show is what side he enters the room.

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:19 pm
by Sam
Yeah James...I was on the edge of my chair the first time I watched it...How was he able to fool Wo Fat for almost two days???? :) :)

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:48 pm
by Pahonu
You are on top of it Sam! I haven't seen that episode in years, but my memory was not too far off. The other window you mention, along with the door, are already in my model. You can see them in many shots of the estate because they can be seen clearly from the balcony. The window(s) and doors at the other end rarely seen because they are behind the wall above the single-story ell. Magnum never really used the far end of the balcony behind that wall.

The room in the ell, with the fireplace is the one closest to the two-story main block. You can tell because you can see in the last video two pairs of french doors to the right and only one on the left. McGarrett entered from the courtyard area across the lanai into the room. The pair of french doors are on the seawall side along with three other pairs if I am not mistaken. Another part of the puzzle in place!

Did they ever show the wall opposite the fireplace in that scene? Thanks again!

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 9:07 pm
by Sam
I went back and looked at your model.I did see that you had the doors and window.

I'm not clear on which door McGarrett used..Either one of these would work.
The opposite wall was not shown.
