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Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:30 pm
by J.J. Walters
Icepick wrote:The Block is in line with the gate opening to the Boat House, but just to the side, so it gives me the impression that it was used as a support structure for a dock. A small boat or canoe could slide up along the dock and then be pulled up into the Boat House. This way there was a stable platform to haul in nets as well. Or a stable structure for a winch.
Great hypothesis Icepick. That would help to explain the square holes (with mounted bars) in the sides. One could moor a boat by attaching a line to the bar. This is still somewhat perplexing to me. Wouldn't it be just as easy to hop in the boat from the shallow water? To get to the "square slab", you have to already be in the water anyway. The boat would have to be relatively small (I don't think the boat house can house bigger ones), so "hopping in" shouldn't be in a problem.

The remnants of a WWII coastal defense battery seems plausible, too. But what happened to the rest of it? Did they build coastal battery/bunkers around the Waimanalo area?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:01 pm
by Icepick
I thought of that too but what if the water wasn't as shallow way back then?
So when the locals were doing their turtle capturing(1800s - 1930?)they probably had a more crude wall then(as we know it was rebuilt in the 60s) or something similar to a reef/wall and the water depth could have been in it's more 'natural' state. The wall creates a tidal pool and hence a shallow depth due to lack of ocean currents.

I was also thinking war stuff with a gun emplacement but why would they build something out over some water and not on land like every other gun I've ever seen?

Also, the natural reef out past these parts would have prevented larger boats from landing at this spot so a dock for those seems out. This leaves small boats and canoes, which is obvious from the Boat House.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:06 pm
by Icepick
Whoa....hold the phone...I just thought of something. They had to build the tidal wall right? How did they do it? This is some heavy rock they needed to place. Perhaps they needed something solid combined with a dock(like we previously have said) to bring all the rock out on and then to strategically lay out somehow with boats, etc. It would certainly be quicker to move rocks from a dock to a boat then to load the boats from shore and bring out. Plus a larger boat from the sea coming in might have been dodgy due to natural reef.

ps. no email back from the Shriners yet.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:14 pm
by J.J. Walters
Lily wrote:I was sure that on one episode of Magnum, when standing on the Estate looking out at the ocean, to the left along the beach there was a wooden boat dock coming from another property. Someone please tell me I am not dreaming?
Not from a Magnum episode, it's from Hawaii Five-O. Here's the shot, from "Forty Feet High and It Kills", 1969....


Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:21 pm
by Icepick
Awesome...good job James!!

From that angle it looks like that pier is coming out from the middle part of the Shriner's property. I'm doing an aerial map now.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:13 pm
by Lily
Thanks James...I knew I wasnt dreaming, and had seen it somewhere!

The structure at some point must have been taken down, since I definitely know it is no longer there. So the concrete slab could possibly have come from there. Its a wonder, prior to filming Magnum, the concrete we now see, wasnt hauled away?

Am trying to find out how early Hawaiian tidal pools were built, and in the early 1800's I am almost positive concrete wasnt used.

Icepick....think you will find that the docking structure would have been further along the beach than the Shriners property next door to what is now the Estate. Possibly it might have been constructed and used by people visiting Waimanalo Beach Park (further down from the estate) where you park your car.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:21 pm
by Icepick

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:26 pm
by Icepick
Lily....I think you're right! Camera shots are always hard to understand distance.

At the car park down at Kaiona Beach Park(the actual name of that park and beach) there is that cement boat launch thing next to the stairs. I'm guessing now that is probably where that pier was in the Hawaii Five-O screenshot. I'm going to change my map accordingly.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:27 pm
by tidal pool
Dang, that tidal pool looks inviting. :shock:

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:52 pm
by foggydayz
could it be some sort of water system? I think from the aerials i can make out a shadow from the slab to shore that may be a pipe covered by sand?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:12 pm
by Lily
Icepick...obviously I was calling the park by the wrong name! From the book 'Hawaii Place Names', I found the following:- " Community ramp for small boats built in 1999 at Kaiona Beack Park." Compared to James picture, it must now be a small structure (boy do I need glasses! :shock:) and must look for the ramp on the next visit.

Have been reading about the whole area and it seems that in 1847, the Waimanalo area (which is down the road from the Estate), was covered with taro, palm trees etc., and there were around one hundred grass houses. Then land was leased to the white man, fences get the picture?! A 700 foot pier was built in 1870 by the Waimanalo Sugar Company and was a landing point for inter-island steamers. However it was dismantled in the early 1950's. This gives a small insight into just what the area of the Estate might have been like compared to today.

From what I have read, I really believe that in the 1800's, on the land where the Estate is today, there must have been a local chief, hence the turtle tidal pool being built. I read that the Shriners property opened in 1931, but does anyone know when the Estate was built?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:40 pm
by Icepick
I was reading the same thing from that book ironically about the boat ramp :) We've probably gone through the same websites today ha ha. I've gone from reading the history of the place to 18th cent. pier construction sites to the use of cement in said process.

The boat ramp is directly at the bottom of the car park where you walk down a bit of stairs and turn right to head over to tidal pool area. It's just a small paved driveway. Between the stairs and the boat ramp is a very tiny grassy spot where you can chill. Oh and btw, MM says the Estate was built in the 1930s, which makes sense with when the Shriners was built.

Another of an endless amount of theories, but, what if the block was one piece of many in a failed attempt to use those things to create the tidal barrier when they re-did it in the 60s? Hmm. It has metal pieces/handles on it doesn't it?? :)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:18 am
by Lily
Icepick... :D :D at our reading! Know for sure now that my theory is correct re some kind of Hawaiian chief living on the site in the 1800's, where the Estate now stands. Will check out the construction of the tidal pool wall myself, when I am there next. Cant see that the concrete slab has anything to do with the reconstructuring of the pool in the 60's.

Just a thought, but it could be sewer/septic tank related, as all properties along that beach, at one time might not have been on the water/sewer set up which they are on today? Just one concrete piece which wasnt hauled away? Ah, all these ideas!

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:45 am
by Icepick
Ya I just don't know anymore ha ha. I like the sewer idea. I was actually looking up stuff on culverts and such used in water but couldn't really find anything.

No email yet from the Shriners. I might have to go into Phase 2 of Operations, phoning them, though I will feel a bit silly.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:48 pm
by Steve
Lily wrote:Icepick...

Just a thought, but it could be sewer/septic tank related, as all properties along that beach, at one time might not have been on the water/sewer set up which they are on today? Just one concrete piece which wasnt hauled away? Ah, all these ideas!
Gross......I also keep hoping it doesn't turn out to be some kind of slaughtering platform for the turtles!!!!