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Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:21 pm
by Braddah Kimo
Oh. well if it was a throwaway, k den.
As I lay sleeping a voice chastised me; What are you doing discussing professional sales formats with the citizenry?
There is a reason trade shows are 'to the trade only'.

"Never try to teach a pig to sing; it just wastes your time and it annoys the pig."

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:26 pm
by Lt Tanaka
Wow. :shock:

Gave you a way out and you just kept digging.

Whatever bro.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:41 pm
by Braddah Kimo
I annoyed the pig, figuratively speaking.

what is bro. Oh that socal thing.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:51 pm
by Lt Tanaka
Hardly surprising.
Asses and pigs rarely get along.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:02 pm
by Braddah Kimo
Lt Tanaka wrote:
Asses and pigs rarely get along.
I lost.
Had a bet with a friend how long this would take to degenerate to namecalling. I gave it more credit and assumed further...

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:09 pm
by Lt Tanaka
Braddah Kimo wrote:
Lt Tanaka wrote:
Asses and pigs rarely get along.
I lost.
Had a bet with a friend how long this would take to degenerate to namecalling. I gave it more credit and assumed further...
You mean till your name-calling got the same in return? Sure I could have told you how long that would take. Here's a hint for the next time you are considering being obnoxious online (shouldn't be too long based on current form). Turn off the computer, get outside, enjoy the view. Such a shame you are in paradise and you'd prefer to come online and troll the members of what is otherwise a very pleasant place.

You can have the last word too. Fire ahead. I guess you need it more than I do.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:17 pm
by Braddah Kimo
Lt Tanaka wrote:
You mean till your name-calling got the same in return? 
I did no name calling.
Oh. the pig reference? That is a timeworn simile. Don't be hypersensitive and take this personally. It is a metaphor apropos the situation.

(OK, I will 'splain; The general reaction... was in general is was generally similar to the result one receives if.... one were to attempt to teach.... )

And it's 3 am. cannot get out to enjoy the paradise. can't sleep. Sorry you perceive my wanting to discuss ebay sales as trolling. Not my intent.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:09 pm
by Magnum T.
Come on guys!
Let's take it easy, this is a place to share our common passion not to fight each other.

@Braddah Kimo
Just a little advice, you may take it or ignore it, as you like:
everyone is entitled to his opinion but when you express it try a softer way and leave that "I am Mr. In-the-know" attitude.
And a little sense of humor could be useful.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:19 pm
by Braddah Kimo
point taken MT! mahalos!

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:45 am
by Lily
Lt. Tanaka and Magnum T. you are right on! This indeed used to be a pleasant board with a lot more long standing members reporting in, compared to the number we have now.

Really miss Golf's comments but there again BK had some choice words for her. Shame.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:44 am
by Braddah Kimo
Lily, you are becoming hellbent on painting me as the devil. No need to. I responded, (a bit heavyhanded to a dear member I admit) regarding the Cooke estate. ( I was not responding to a personality. I was responding only to sentences. Utterances that, as I said, would be equally inflammatory either spoken by the devil or by jesus the christ himself.) Golfmobile posted some very nasty, awful statements and claims regarding the Cooke estate. "they have completely and disastrously ruined it. It breaks my heart to see what has been done to it -- totally wiped out its historical context and value. Criminal . . . . " Wholly unjustified and completely off the mark. Libelous, even. Nobody has clue one as to how much apathy was displayed by the past owners. One reason we here refrain from alluding to it as "the marks estate". Allegedly, Mrs marks was one who allowed it to fall into such disrepair. Anyone conversant with home maintenance knows the further a structure is allowed to disintegrate, the more difficult it is to bring back to life. This is magnified a hundredfold for an estate of this magnitude, I assure you. The State and Marks should be the target of commentators vehemence. But they are quizically left out of the fingerpointing. Current efforts (thru past years, to date) to bring the estate to "original condition", (grounds and structures) have been beyond what anyone here can dream of, imagine or appreciate. But should. To view current photos, and NOT compare them to past conditions is unworthy of anyone's time, and the commentary resulting from that nonsense is unworthy of anyone's ear.
Is it any wonder owners in general of these fine historical properties deign to allow the generally ungrateful, insulting general public near their home and life's work?

You give me too much credit, Lily, by implying I and no one else caused the departure of golf.

"Everyone wants to go to heaven, no one wants to die."
No one wants to discuss real life. Just the sugarcoated fake Hawai'i as conveyed by the magnum Hollywood product. I apparently have an overly strong sense of justice when it comes to defending my home here, which is Hawai'i. (that there is an indirect apology for offending anyone...)

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:16 am
by Higgins (aka Bondtoys)
Braddah Kimo wrote: I did no name calling.
BK, in your posts I can often see you flagging something or people as 'haole'
I am not a native speaker - not in Hawaiian and not in english but I find it offensive.!
From the Wiki description of the word, it's commonly used in a negative context -particularly at schools and in the urban language, so bottom of the line in a discriminating context.

Remember, we are all 'Haole' almost everywhere ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:40 am
by Braddah Kimo
"Wiki". what is that. the be all end all, final word on all that is right and true? If this is what you base your emotional responses on, i beseech you, please get out and expand your horizons. "Haole" means foreigner. caucasian. Someone not from Hawai'i. It also implies a state of mind. It also implies an attitude. . As with all Hawaiian words, it has many meanings. As with all Hawaiian words, it depends fully on context. It is mostly descriptive. haole; someone not from here. haole; someone newly transplanted from the mainland. Many haoles come here and then after a year or three tell us "I am being called malihini and I am very offended by that silly name! I deMAND to be called a kama'aina!" (well, I am here today to tell you, with that attitude, that person will always remain malihini AND haole. I am English, Irish, Scottish, Welch, German, Cherokee and Roach. (last part, due to two Hawaiian stepfathers) You can be offended at that too if you wish, I do not care. Many wish to be offended at the slightest thing and / or a misinterpreted word. I can do nothing about that any further than to elucidate the words. Continued offensive reactions are then evidence the offended wants to remain offended, regardless. (Have you seen the multitudinous web sites parodying "white people's problems"? One of "their" many hobbies is to be offended. "white people love to be offended". It is a mental disease and a national malady.
Point is, After five decades here in the islands, I am not offended by anything, much less being called a haole. IF... someone used that word as a derogatory slam, I ignore it and assume the claimant is an ig'nant ijit. I am what some refer to as a local haole. HowEVER... a Hawaiian carver I studied under reminds me, (when I was alluding to myself) Bruddah, never call yourself 'haole'... a haole is one who does no know." Ok, see? in context this is another description. a valid definition, as we were discussing aspects of Hawaiian spirituality, the imagery of the gods and the like...

So please let's alllllll... refrain just a bit from taking everything so personally. Stop being so easily offended. And join in the debates. I assure you, you won't get hurt, it'll be fun and you'll learn something.

mahalos for your perspective Bond! haole may.... be used in a mean fashion. Not here. That is not my intent. As I say, it's descriptive.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:58 am
by Braddah Kimo
Wold this be to what you refer?

Wiki is written by too many people... who want readers to know just what they happen to know. It can easily be revisionist history. Too easily.

besides. This dude who created wikipedia appropriated a commonly used local word to label his web site.

it is a universally echoed sentiment when it comes to wiki anything; "believe half of what you see, and none of what you read".

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:03 am
by Higgins (aka Bondtoys)
Braddah Kimo wrote:Haole" means foreigner. caucasian. Someone not from Hawai'i. It also implies a state of mind. It also implies an attitude. .
That's exactly what I am talking about.

I strongly believe that people are - just people.
They are influenced by many things which are highly individual.

I find it dumb to label people by just one aspect - be it cultural, national, sexual or whatever.
That is in my mind a very narrow state of mind - full of personal prejudices and simply wrong judgements.

Labelling people or actions as 'haole' in my opinion is just a clichee without elaborating really where people are coming from and why that is.

And as it is sometimes used in a discriminating context, it does not make it any better.