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Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:30 am
by only looking
Only Looking . . . . I'm sorry for your loss . . .

That's what I love about Magnum, which many people don't get. The realness of the characters and how their lessons connect in our lives.

I have a very close relationship with Limbo for similar reasons. I had a loss and the whole tenor of the episode stayed with me and helped me deal with what I had to deal with.

"I love you, and I'm letting you go." Can applied in many ways . . .[/quote]

I apreciate that. It was June 4, 1996. I was 24 at the time and I was the one who found him. It was the time as a man you realize you're not as smart as you thought you were at 16 and realized you still didn't have it at 21. A time you start seeing the world and your father different. As a person with flaws,dreams,hopes, etc...a real person..not a title. Since then I've gotten married and plan on having children and buying a many questions I wish so dearily I could ask him. He also had a mustache and wore aviator sunglasses (The cheap ones you can buy at the gas stations). So Magnum just really stuck with me, plus we watched it every week when it came one along with some other shows that also hold fond memories. My Dad's favorite snack..Fig Newtons! Oct. 21st was his birthday so it's ben kind of rough, but I go to this forum and hang out, watch Magnum and the day get a little better. Thanks for the guys..and gals :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:03 pm
by Commandress
Jay-Firestorm wrote:Nice to see your lists, James and Commandress. A lot of yours were on my shortlist too.
(Except Commandress, I did consider 'Solo Flight', but could never take it over the original 'Home From the Sea' :lol: )
"Home From The Sea" would have been number 11 (!)
It was edged out because I actually saw Solo Flight first... though it obviously made more sense since I watched "Home From The Sea"!

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 2:05 pm
by IKnowWhatYoureThinking
1) Home from the Sea
2) Death and Taxes

The rest (in no particular order)

Paper War
J "Digger" Doyle
Beauty Knows No Pain
No More Mr. Nice Guy
Did You See the Sun Rise?
Operation Silent Night
Squeeze Play

I could have easily interchanged five of so of these with other episodes, but I'll stick to ten as Jay requested.

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:02 am
by Jay-Firestorm
IKnowWhatYoureThinking wrote:1) Home from the Sea
2) Death and Taxes

The rest (in no particular order)

Paper War
J "Digger" Doyle
Beauty Knows No Pain
No More Mr. Nice Guy
Did You See the Sun Rise?
Operation Silent Night
Squeeze Play

I could have easily interchanged five of so of these with other episodes, but I'll stick to ten as Jay requested.
I feel such a meanie now :lol: It is tough though, isn't it - I had to leave so many classics out!

Also, nice to see one of my 'underdog' episodes, 'Beauty Knows No Pain', getting some love. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:20 pm
by IKnowWhatYoureThinking
Jay not everything can be a winner. It was tough deciding on ten episodes, but it looks like we all managed!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:09 pm
by Jay-Firestorm
IKnowWhatYoureThinking wrote:Jay not everything can be a winner. It was tough deciding on ten episodes, but it looks like we all managed!
Hooray for us! :lol:

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 10:33 pm
by MagnumsLeftShoulder
I'm dragging up an old topic, but I finished watching the series for the second time about a week ago and wanted to put in my 2 cents.

Top five are obvious faves:

1. Home From the Sea
2. Memories are Forever
3. Little Girl Who
4. Unfinished Business
5. Did You See the Sunrise?

Next five in no particular order:

Way of the Stalking Horse
On Face Value
Beauty Knows No Pain
Try to Remember

Ugh! I left out so many good ones so I reserve the right to change my mind on my next run thru my DVDs! Really, there could be at least 20 or 30 more on my all time faves list!

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:39 am
by grundle
In chronological order:

No Need to Know
J. "Digger" Doyle
The Woman on the Beach
Mad Buck Gibson
The Jororo Kill
Texas Lightning
Black on White
The Arrow That Is Not Aimed
Faith and Begorrah
Home from the Sea

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 8:05 am
by MaiTaiMan
Oh's so hard to pick just 10!! :o LOL! :lol: There are so many awesome episodes that I could pick 20-35 "favorite" episodes. But...this is just for 10, so I had to really think and work it down to just that many. I'm currently in the middle of watching the series again, after several years...but I think I've got them down. My majors are sociology and psychology--so I love episodes that deal with the bizarre, eerie, spooky, mentally deranged, etc... I also love episodes that have very intricate and well thought out plots. I also have "lumped" together a couple of the 2-part episodes--so I can include them in the "10". So--I may end up disagreeing with myself on some later, goes:

1) "China Doll": Superb, exotic and action-packed episode that had a superb plot! Perfect episode after the initial "Pilot"! Love the assassin that blinks right before he strikes...and the final confrontation in the cemetary where Magnum shoots him--awesome!

2) "Skin Deep": Awesome and interesting episode that was Magnum's take on the 1944 film-noir classic "Laura"! (Another popular crime show that did a "Laura" type episode was the 90's hit "Silk Stalkings". A 3rd season episode called "The Party's Over" was also the "Laura" plot-idea.)

3) "Lest We Forget": This very well may be my all-time favorite episode!! Superb plot, superb acting performances, awesome past and present with WWII and Pearl Harbor attack woven in, and the idea of using real-life father and son/mother and daughter to play themselves in the past and present was fascinating and captivating! I love history so this is also another reason I love it so much. In 2008 I had the awesome pleasure of visiting Oahu and Pearl Harbor! One of my most memorable and favorite experiences! I can watch this episode over and over and still love it everytime! :D

4) "The Woman On the Beach": Superb, ghostly/spooky episode! I love ghost/haunted/spooky type episodes so this is one of my favorites! As "Skin Deep" was a version of the movie "Laura"...I've always thought "Woman On the Beach" greatly resembled the real-life ghost story of Resurrection Mary...a woman named Mary, who in a white dress, was on her way home from a dance in the 1930's--and was tragically killed in an accident near Resurrection Cemetary, in Chicago (Hence the name Resurrection Mary). She was also later buried in the cemetary. Mary supposedly forever haunts Resurrection Cemetary and road near it--appearing, in her white vintage dress, to people driving on the road and even getting some rides from some passer-bys, and asks to be taken home...only to disappear before getting to her old house.

5) "Did You See the Sunrise?" (2-Parter): This one is sad and very serious/somber (with the death of Mac and the horrors of Vietnam)...but very in-depth and realistic too! Everyone gave unbelievable performances and the plot was very intricate and well thought out! This is also the "famous" contraversial episode where Magnum ends up shooting someone in cold blood, for revenge. But...I sort of like the ending and I'm mezmerized by this episode!

6) "The Jororo Kill": Love this episode! Awesome plot, and Tyne Daley was superb! Sorry to say this, but it's hard to believe she was ever that thin! Anyway, awesome action and the killer dressing up as a nun at the end was shocking and even somewhat frightening! I remember seeing this one when it originally aired--and Magnum saying: "Nuns don't work on Sundays!" Pretty wild!

7) "Black On White": Awesome, exotic, and bizarre episode with a superb plot! This one really has some superb Magnum and Higgins moments, and Ian MacShane gives a superb performance as a mentally deranged psycho! Nice twist of an ending, too! This is one that'll keep you on the edge of your seat, and even up at night!

8. "Echoes of the Mind" (2-parter): This is so bizarre and eerie!! I love episodes/movies like that, and the plot idea of the mentally deranged/psychotic Diane Dupre (Sharon Stone) was superb! I thought everyone gave superb performances and the mental collapse of Diane was frightening but fascinating as well!

9) "Deja Vu" (2-parter): Again (like "Echoes of the Mind") this episode was very bizarre and eerie--it was awesome! :) The idea of figuring out what dreams mean, or whether or not they can predict or show future events, fascinates me. The idea of Deja Vu--and whether you really have experienced something or been in a place before also captivates me! It's freaky but thrilling at the same time! I love episodes that deal with the "mind", so this and "Echoes of the Mind" are two of my favorites!

10) "Novel Connection" (and the "Murder She Wrote" 2nd half "Magnum On Ice"): Okay...I grew up with both "Magnum" and "Murder She Wrote"...the latter usually being one my whole family sat down to on Sunday nights while eating supper. However, the two shows are so different that you'd never think of merging or "crossing" them over with each other! However, producers and writers did a superb job of bringing Jessica Fletcher and Magnum together--lots of action, perfect guest-stars, good plot twists, and it's known as one of the most famous crossovers in TV history! Truly enjoyable!

Well....there you go, there's my 10. There are so many other episodes I wanted to include--as "Magnum" has so many superb ones. But, these are 10 that I'm always intrigued by and love watching everytime! I'm sure many will disagree with my choices...but that's what makes discussing shows so interesting to me--learning and finding out other people's thoughts and veiws, and why. :)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 4:33 pm
by Kifaru
Agree with you on Lest We Forget, definitely an underrated episode.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 8:39 am
by MaiTaiMan
Kifaru wrote:Agree with you on Lest We Forget, definitely an underrated episode.
Exactly...definitely a "Magnum" classic! :) What do you think about "Jororo Kill"?

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:20 pm
by No need to know!
I have to say that this is almost impossible for me. I´ll give it a try.

#J Digger Doyle

#Memories are forever

#Try to remember

#Did you see the sunrise

#Jororo kill

#Black on white

#Birdman of Budapest

#On face value

#Paper war


Yeah i am really a fan of the first four seasons. Fifth and sixth have their ups but are weak compared with the first four, and the show finishes strong with seventh and eighth season.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:26 pm
by No need to know!
I have many close to that list though, around 150 episodes or so.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:32 pm
by No need to know!
MaiTaiMan wrote:Oh's so hard to pick just 10!! :o LOL! :lol: There are so many awesome episodes that I could pick 20-35 "favorite" episodes. But...this is just for 10, so I had to really think and work it down to just that many. I'm currently in the middle of watching the series again, after several years...but I think I've got them down. My majors are sociology and psychology--so I love episodes that deal with the bizarre, eerie, spooky, mentally deranged, etc... I also love episodes that have very intricate and well thought out plots. I also have "lumped" together a couple of the 2-part episodes--so I can include them in the "10". So--I may end up disagreeing with myself on some later, goes:

1) "China Doll": Superb, exotic and action-packed episode that had a superb plot! Perfect episode after the initial "Pilot"! Love the assassin that blinks right before he strikes...and the final confrontation in the cemetary where Magnum shoots him--awesome!

2) "Skin Deep": Awesome and interesting episode that was Magnum's take on the 1944 film-noir classic "Laura"! (Another popular crime show that did a "Laura" type episode was the 90's hit "Silk Stalkings". A 3rd season episode called "The Party's Over" was also the "Laura" plot-idea.)

3) "Lest We Forget": This very well may be my all-time favorite episode!! Superb plot, superb acting performances, awesome past and present with WWII and Pearl Harbor attack woven in, and the idea of using real-life father and son/mother and daughter to play themselves in the past and present was fascinating and captivating! I love history so this is also another reason I love it so much. In 2008 I had the awesome pleasure of visiting Oahu and Pearl Harbor! One of my most memorable and favorite experiences! I can watch this episode over and over and still love it everytime! :D

4) "The Woman On the Beach": Superb, ghostly/spooky episode! I love ghost/haunted/spooky type episodes so this is one of my favorites! As "Skin Deep" was a version of the movie "Laura"...I've always thought "Woman On the Beach" greatly resembled the real-life ghost story of Resurrection Mary...a woman named Mary, who in a white dress, was on her way home from a dance in the 1930's--and was tragically killed in an accident near Resurrection Cemetary, in Chicago (Hence the name Resurrection Mary). She was also later buried in the cemetary. Mary supposedly forever haunts Resurrection Cemetary and road near it--appearing, in her white vintage dress, to people driving on the road and even getting some rides from some passer-bys, and asks to be taken home...only to disappear before getting to her old house.

5) "Did You See the Sunrise?" (2-Parter): This one is sad and very serious/somber (with the death of Mac and the horrors of Vietnam)...but very in-depth and realistic too! Everyone gave unbelievable performances and the plot was very intricate and well thought out! This is also the "famous" contraversial episode where Magnum ends up shooting someone in cold blood, for revenge. But...I sort of like the ending and I'm mezmerized by this episode!

6) "The Jororo Kill": Love this episode! Awesome plot, and Tyne Daley was superb! Sorry to say this, but it's hard to believe she was ever that thin! Anyway, awesome action and the killer dressing up as a nun at the end was shocking and even somewhat frightening! I remember seeing this one when it originally aired--and Magnum saying: "Nuns don't work on Sundays!" Pretty wild!

7) "Black On White": Awesome, exotic, and bizarre episode with a superb plot! This one really has some superb Magnum and Higgins moments, and Ian MacShane gives a superb performance as a mentally deranged psycho! Nice twist of an ending, too! This is one that'll keep you on the edge of your seat, and even up at night!

8. "Echoes of the Mind" (2-parter): This is so bizarre and eerie!! I love episodes/movies like that, and the plot idea of the mentally deranged/psychotic Diane Dupre (Sharon Stone) was superb! I thought everyone gave superb performances and the mental collapse of Diane was frightening but fascinating as well!

9) "Deja Vu" (2-parter): Again (like "Echoes of the Mind") this episode was very bizarre and eerie--it was awesome! :) The idea of figuring out what dreams mean, or whether or not they can predict or show future events, fascinates me. The idea of Deja Vu--and whether you really have experienced something or been in a place before also captivates me! It's freaky but thrilling at the same time! I love episodes that deal with the "mind", so this and "Echoes of the Mind" are two of my favorites!

10) "Novel Connection" (and the "Murder She Wrote" 2nd half "Magnum On Ice"): Okay...I grew up with both "Magnum" and "Murder She Wrote"...the latter usually being one my whole family sat down to on Sunday nights while eating supper. However, the two shows are so different that you'd never think of merging or "crossing" them over with each other! However, producers and writers did a superb job of bringing Jessica Fletcher and Magnum together--lots of action, perfect guest-stars, good plot twists, and it's known as one of the most famous crossovers in TV history! Truly enjoyable!

Well....there you go, there's my 10. There are so many other episodes I wanted to include--as "Magnum" has so many superb ones. But, these are 10 that I'm always intrigued by and love watching everytime! I'm sure many will disagree with my choices...but that's what makes discussing shows so interesting to me--learning and finding out other people's thoughts and veiws, and why. :)
Deja Vu is a really good and underrated episode. The best one of the sixth season for me.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:36 pm
by MagnumsLeftShoulder
No need to know! wrote:I have to say that this is almost impossible for me. I´ll give it a try.

#J Digger Doyle

#Memories are forever

#Try to remember

#Did you see the sunrise

#Jororo kill

#Black on white

#Birdman of Budapest

#On face value

#Paper war


Yeah i am really a fan of the first four seasons. Fifth and sixth have their ups but are weak compared with the first four, and the show finishes strong with seventh and eighth season.

Good to see Try to Remember and On Face Value get some love from some other Magnum maniacs!