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Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:25 pm
by Agatha
I was a "young married" when Magnum aired. I really don't remember consciously watching EVERY fact, my EX was the one who decided what we watched. But he must have like Magnum, too, because as I watched my DVDs for the first time, there wasn't an episode that didn't seem familiar. We didn't have a VCR...I didn't have one until after the divorce. I didn't ever figure out how to tape things so I've never taped an episode. By the way, my VCR is an Emerson...I got it about 1989 and it still works!!

I live in a little pocket of the county that has no access to cable. I could have a dish, I guess...several of my neighbors do. But there's not a lot about TV that I miss. As long as I have my Magnum DVDs...and a few other favorites...and Netflix...I'm happy.

Especially now that I have ALL EIGHT SEASONS! I have a new job and the last two seasons are my "back to work" present to my self!!

It's fun to hear everyone's Magnum history. Good topic, 308GTS!


Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:36 pm
by Jay-Firestorm
Although I was into all of my other favourites ('Knigth Rider', 'The A-Team', 'Airwolf', etc.) when they first aired, I got into MPI a little later, when the episodes were being repeated (rerun) - I think maybe because I was only a kid and it aired later at night in the UK.

The first episode I watched was season one's 'Don't Say Goodbye'. I was 13 years old and had chickenpox. Late at night and very uncomfortable, I watched it on my little portable television and was hooked.

The first episode I recorded, a couple of weeks later, was season two's 'Dead Man's Channel' (each ITV region was following its own pattern, and mine had first and second season episodes all jumbled up). It was near the end of their run, and I had to wait until 2002 when Channel 5 started an (almost) complete run of the series, and I recorded each one.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:01 am
by 308GTS
So James, it would appear that we were into MPI around the same time-ish. I do remember that by 1983 I was totally hooked and my best buddy and I otfen swapped tapes as he had some episodes which I missed. By 1986 I had taped perhaps 30 or 40 episodes. After that, I kind of lost interest in the show as they canned it here in the UK. In fact I don't believe that we had seasons 7 and 8 here in the UK.

I also remember that when it was at it's height of success here (around 1982-83) in the UK it used to air on a Saturday at around 7pm, that changed to a Sunday eventually. Then finally, they started airing it around midnight on a Saturday...go figure that one? The UK was always notorious for it's fickle like and dislike of shows.

By the late 80's, Miami Vice had taken the hot spot for US shows, with the possible exception of Dallas and Dynasty. Unfortunately, here in the UK they've always preferred style over substance. The state of TV now in the UK is so unbelievably bad that it doesn't bear mentioning. It's interesting to note that The A-Team was actually MPI's main competitor during the early to mid eighties. I have Seasons 1 and 2 which I got cheap off eBay and I have to say that the show has not aged well. It does have some good moments, especially the Murdock/BA relationship but qualitywise it's laughable at best. Knightrider was and is truly ridiculous, ditto Airwolf. None of these early 80's shows have a hope in hell when compared to MPI, but then I'm biased... :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:08 am
by StarchedUndershirts
I didn't have a VCR when Magnum was on. Last year I taped Ki's Don't Lie when Sleuth aired it since I never saw it, but had seen the other part of the S&S crossover, Emeralds are a Girl's Best Friend.