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Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:45 am
by the apprentice
i would love to see just a little mag. humor on j. stone. he seems so sad..

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:14 pm
by NavySEAL
Ok this might be a reach but I have to agree with others on this. In a way Jesse Stone is TM. I know it's a stretch but look at Don Johnson in Miami Vice and Nash Bridges. They were the same only older. I didn't see Thin Ice but as for the other if I remember correctly Jesse carries a 45 in the small of his back like TM and even had a leather flight jacket. Just my thoughts

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:23 pm
by lutherhgillis

That is similar to what I said several posts ago. TS being himself in a role = TM or Jesse Stone. It is not a very far reach for him to act these roles because they are close to who he really is. His other roles, while very well done, are a little more of a reach.

Shermy or whoever started this,

As far as his aging, we all change as we grow older. His is still in very good shape for 64 however.

TS seems to be more of a natural actor to me. I know he probably colors his hair and mustache but somehow it fits. If he every strayed from his rugged persona and tried to do a more feminine character it wouldn't work because that is not who he is. I think that is why the Friends and other metrosexual-type of characters were not the best work done by TS.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:47 am
by Agatha
kudubuck said "Another Magnum-ish moment is in Death in Paradise when Jesse is talking to Carol Ginest about Portia Roberts in high school."

(I don't have the square thing figured out yet .)

In Stone Cold, Jesse tells Candace: "If you let them, they will make your life miserable for as long as you live in this town." Reminds me of the "counsel" that Magnum gives to Adelaide, Holly in "The Look" and Dr Karen in "Heal Thyself".

Because you're all right...Tom Selleck WAS Magnum during that time and now Tom Selleck IS Jesse Stone. One of the things that I really admire about Tom Selleck is that whatever role he's playing...the real Tom Selleck is "in there." Including those kind eyes, that soothing voice and his incredibly strong sense of right and wrong. The fact that he looks older is just simply that he is older. He's clearly comfortable in his own skin...even as it develops more and more "character."

We should all be so lucky!!


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:18 pm
by IKnowWhatYoureThinking
Good point Agatha. I think TS puts you at ease no matter what he is playing. He makes you feel very comfortable.