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Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:32 am
by MACattack
Wow, Magnum memories. I remember first watching Magnum P.I. with my father and sister on whatever channel it was on, way back in '82. Then, I remember watching reruns of it during the '90's on USA. Then, A&E picked it up for a while from '98 till 2003. Now, I watch it on DVD on my brand new 40"inch TV! And, these days I'm trying to live like Magnum! Only exception is: it's my house, and nobody's trying to shoot at me!

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:37 am
by SelleckLover

FYI: Magnum was aired on CBS back in the 80's. =)

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:00 pm
by MACattack
Oh yeah..... I remember SIMON & SIMON came on after Magnum

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:23 pm
by rasgards
I don't remember the first seasons as I was only 5 when it first aired in 80, but I can remember watching some of the last episodes. I remember distinctly remember watching the episodes with "Linda Li Ellison"...I wonder why. I really got into Magnum when it was showed as reruns in the 90s, I think on WGN or some similar channel.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:23 pm
by Magnum T.
MACattack wrote:...And, these days I'm trying to live like Magnum! Only exception is: it's my house, and nobody's trying to shoot at me!
So you live in Hawaii and drive a 308? :)

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 9:49 pm
by Tom_Magnum
I saw it on this Canadian TV channel called DejaView where they show all these old popular 1980s shows like The A-Team, Knight Rider, Magnum PI, Simon & Simon, etc. Magnum PI looked really good, so i watched "Faith & Begorrah" and I enjoyed it and I've seen it ever since (summer 2007).

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 10:03 pm
by MACattack
No, I don't live in Hawai'i. I used to, and I'm planning to move back there when I find the right property. As for the Ferrari.... a man can dream,can't he?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:23 am
by ban-1
I got into Magnum P.I. after seeing some Magnum Clips on the first disc of a season of Knight Rider and thinking, okay I got to see if this show is cool or not. Rented season 1 and after seeing Rick's club in the first episode, I was hooked. The model of the Ferrari my mom gave me by Revell did the trick to. My mom was the one who built the model when she was a kid though.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:40 am
by 56E 478
Here locally,back in the day,the 'word' was out that a replacement show for H50 was happening soon and our household had no problems with another Hawaii based show. Thinking that it would be difficult to accept a new show after seeing H50 for all this time,and seeing the upcoming previews,the pilot made it a smooth transition,almost like the changing of the guard.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:35 am
by AmandaByNight
I watched the show as a kid during its original run and really enjoyed it. About five or so seasons in, I was in high school and they started re-running the show daily, so when I'd come home I'd watch it. Then one day, and I don't remember the day or why, I was hooked. I started to memorize the episode titles (I'm not quite as good now) and wrote a little script for the show.

I remember when Limbo aired we were out of town so I had to tape it. We got home about two days after it aired at around 2 am or so and I stayed up to watch it and cried like a baby. I cry every time I see it, but at the time, it was devestating.

As I get older, I find I resonate with the characters more. Watching Magnum turn 40 reminds me a lot of how I feel now that I'm 39. I adore Maagnum P.I. and am always astounded by what I get from each episodes, even now, after I've seen them dozens of times.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:07 am
by Mr. Greene
I was in the 5th grade and I remember seeing the second episode when it first aired, and watched it religiously ever since. and later I watche my favorite (Simon and Simon) which was better for me since I grew up in San Diego. So I guess I have been a fan since the begining. :D

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:00 am
by No need to know!
Hi! I really came to love this fantastic show in 1999. I live in Sweden and i took every chance i could to watch it every afternoon. If i missed it i taped it and watched it every night when my girlfriend had fallen asleep :D
Yes i am new here, but as i am a true Magnum maniac i am here to stay to talk with you guys and girls about the best show ever.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:48 pm
by Sir Fearing Pangborn
I'm only 24 so I was to young to watch the show when it originally aired . I remember i first started watching the syndication of magnum in the early to mid 90's on summer break from school. After that I didn't watch it again for 10 years till the DVDs came out .IT Worked out nice because I forgot all the episodes and it was like a brand new show on DVD . Now I usually watch an episode before I go to sleep . Also I feel it's more of a summer months show

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:28 pm
by IKnowWhatYoureThinking
Sir Fearing Pangborn wrote:I'm onl 24 so I was to young to watch the show when it originally aired . I remember i first started watching the syndication in the early to mid 90's on summer break from school. After that I didn't watch it again for 10 years till the DVDs came out .IT Worked out nice because I forgot all the episodes and it was like a brand new show on DVD . Now I usually watch an episode before I go to sleep . Also I feel it's more of a summer months show ( many cUae thats how I first saw it)
Welcome Aboard!

Re: How did you get into Magnum?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:54 pm
by JDM
Aloha From Dallas!

Watched the show when I was really young. Didn't remember much about specific episodes as I didn't watch much TV back then & I was very young. But, I couldn't ever forget the intro music. I knew I liked the show. Recently been DVRing all Magnum Episodes and watching after kids go to sleep and it makes me feel like I am a kid again...I even bought a ROBIN-1 License plate off Ebay and it is proudly displayed in my office. All I have to do is take a look at it and my stress melts away! Anyway, Thanks for having the forum. Lots of interesting info.