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Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:33 pm
by K Hale
Reef monkey wrote:
K Hale wrote:Hello! I have been posting a bit but did not see this thread before now. In the 1980s MPI was a pretty regular staple in our household. I was just a girl then and in the ensuing years I have not been into the show, but in recent months I somehow got a hankering for it and bought the DVD set. Now I am a full on fan again!

From childhood, I can mostly only recall two episodes that really stuck with me over the years to the point where I had forgotten where I saw them: I recalled one as a war movie with a scene showing prisoners being tortured in cages and blood jetting out of some guy's body while another guy yelled "Stick your finger in it!" Something about the horror of this embedded itself in my mind and much to my surprise on recent viewing I realized it was in fact an episode of MPI ("Did You See the Sunrise" in fact, now one of my favorites). The other was a shadowy memory of a "native's" bead-bedecked leg slipping through the darkness after somebody, and the knowledge that this was a Mau Mau. I recalled this being very scary and yes indeed it turned out to be "Black on White." Again I recalled it as a movie, not an episode of MPI. Funny how images make such an impression.

Anyway, what else to say? I live in Texas. Higgy Baby is my favorite character, in fact when I was a kid he was my whole family's favorite character. My father, a retired Marine sergeant who served in the Pacific in WW2, would even refer to him as Higgy Baby. Have not been to Hawaii but plan to go this spring or fall.
Hey, a fellow Texan, welcome! And an active one at that, already an Admiral in less than 2 months! I live in Houston, but went to SMU and have fond memories of my college town, so don't worry, I don't buy into the Big D/H-town rivalry :) It also sounds like you and I are about the same age, as I was also a kid when Magnum was first-run. The episode "Forty" finally had meaning for me two years ago.
46 here. Generation X represent!

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:49 pm
by Mad Kudu Buck
Ah... two Texans here. Now I can make fun of how small Texas is again. :D

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 5:49 am
by McGarrett
Hello, I figured I better go ahead register. I've been a Magnum fan since back in the 80's and have enjoyed this forum for a while.

I was intrigued to hear about the reboot, I wasn't sure how I felt about it at first but we'll see.

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:05 am
by Sam
Welcome aboard Mcgarrett..

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:30 am
by K Hale
Hi McGarrett!

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:56 pm
by ajcusn
Hello everyone. My name is Anthony. I've been following this site for years, but I felt compelled to join the forum due to the sad loss of Pahonu and the Magnum, p.i. reboot (which I just found out about).

I am in my early 30s, but I remember watching MPI reruns in the 90s/00s. The show has had a major impact on my life. Like Magnum, I am a former Naval Officer; I left the Navy, disillusioned, after 10 years. MPI was instrumental in my decision to take orders to Oahu. I was stationed at Pearl Harbor 2011-2014. I lived in Ala Moana at the time. I met my wife on Oahu, and we had our first child at Tripler. (Second child is due in about 3 weeks!) I live in Honolulu near Aloha Stadium now.

The Robin's Nest tidal pool is one of the most peaceful places I have ever been. It's even in my will that my ashes be scattered there when I die. So you can imagine how I felt when I recently learned that the estate was demolished.

As for the MPI reboot, I am also a huge Star Trek fan. When the new series debuted last year, I was initially cautious, but I was willing to give it a chance. It was such a major disappointment, I don't even consider it "Star Trek." (The Orville is now more Trek than ST:DIS). As with the new MPI, it has a chance to be another landmark series in our culture. If they stick to the formula that made millions of people around the world fall in love with MPI, it will be fine. But that remains to be seen.

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:24 am
by 308GUY
Welcome ajcusn!

Like it or are probably going to be dubbed our "boots on the ground"...given your location. :lol:

What an interesting introduction you present.

I think a few of us probably wish we had a similar history, but each in his/her own way brings something unique to the table. Your presentation just fits so well with the whole Magnuverse! :magnum:

If it it's not too presumptuous, maybe you can provide updates to what's actually happening there in the Waimanalo Beach area?

Since the only thing left of the original site is now the tidal pool, I for one would sure like updates on whether it will remain accessible to the public....even though I never made it to peer over the fence, I'd still like to be able to dip in the tidal pool....maybe just one time before I "go to my reward". :lol:

Anyway it goes, welcome aboard, if you've been lurking for some time, then you already know these are some of the best people on the net right here sharing their fascination and love for Magnum PI. :geek:

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:35 am
by ajcusn
Thank you, 308GUY.
308GUY wrote:Since the only thing left of the original site is now the tidal pool, I for one would sure like updates on whether it will remain accessible to the public....even though I never made it to peer over the fence, I'd still like to be able to dip in the tidal pool....maybe just one time before I "go to my reward". :lol:
According to the state's Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands, all beaches and "beach transit corridors" (which would be the space between the waterline and Pahonu's retaining wall during low tide) are public property. You can go swim in the tidal pool all day long, and Mr. Nesbitt wouldn't be able to do a damn thing.


Now, if you want to climb the chain link fence and risk a tetanus shot to acquire a souvenir, then Mr. Nesbitt would have every right to unleash the Lads. :roll:


Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:03 pm
by Mad Kudu Buck
ajcusn wrote:Like Magnum, I am a former Naval Officer; I left the Navy, disillusioned, after 10 years.
Hey, does that mean that... like Magnum, you will now open a Private Investigator business, live at a wealthy author's beach front estate for free, drive his Ferrari, and have wacky adventures with your two ex-Navy pals?

I assume that's usually what happens. :D

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:41 pm
by K Hale
Hey, but they were Marines and you're forgetting about the ex-British Army pal! :P

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:57 am
by Mrs. Higgins
McGarrett wrote:Hello, I figured I better go ahead register. I've been a Magnum fan since back in the 80's and have enjoyed this forum for a while.

I was intrigued to hear about the reboot, I wasn't sure how I felt about it at first but we'll see.
Welcome aboard McGarrett. I love your avatar!

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:21 pm
by Duke of Perth
I've been lurking this forum for a couple of weeks now and only yesterday did I create an account and start posting. I have to say I've really enjoyed all the information on this forum, and thank you to all of you who have done such great research on all aspects of the show.

About me: I'm 37 and live in Alaska. I have fond memories of watching re-runs of MPI on TV while my mom cooked dinner and we waited for my dad to get home from work. This would have been in the early 80's and MPI was probably still running new episodes. In any case, I've loved the show all my life and only within the past year or so bought the entire series on DVD.

I look forward to participating with all of you on this forum!


Duke of Perth

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:22 am
by J.J. Walters
Thanks! And welcome to the site my friend, from the "Last Frontier"! :)

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:14 am
by K Hale
Welcome DoP!

Re: The Welcome Wagon

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 3:05 pm
by robbie308
Dear Magnum Maniacs,

although I have already introduced myself while posting some pictures of Pahonu here ( ... start=2010), I think it's appropriate to introduce myself in this thread, too .

I've been visiting the MM website and the forum for years, finding this the most valuable resource for information about my favourite TV show. When MPI was first shown on German TV (in 1984, I guess), I was 23 years old and was immediately hooked by the show. To be honest, the choice was very limited back then, with only 3 channels available and german tv shows rather dry and boring, in my eyes at least. So every US or UK crime series was bound to become a hit, from The Persuaders to the Rockford Files. But Magnum was my absolute favourite: the paradise-like surroundings of Oahu, the red Ferrari (I was and still am a big car nut), the funny dialogues (especially between Thomas and Higgins) – well, you all know too well.

Many years went by, with more important things to think about, like finding a proper job and working hard, which at least allowed me to realize my dream of owning a Ferrari 308. The interest in MPI came back maybe 10 or 15 years ago, watching the occasional episode when the series was re-run, mainly in the late hours. The fire was lit again. I found out that the whole series was available on DVD, so I watched them all, enjoying each episode with the background information from Magnum Mania and from Larry Manetti's book.

When I met my wife 18 years ago, she jokingly said "If we should get married any time in the future, we have to do it on a beach of Hawaii." To cut a long story short, after a 12 years "trial period" we decided we should get married (since nobody else would take us any more, anyway). I immediately remembered that we had been joking about getting married in Hawaii, so I started to make plans and organize. Finally we decided to get married on Maui in October 2012. I made sure to have a few days on Oahu, too, for obvious reasons. We did visit Pahonu, but only peeked through the main gate. Although I read the forum before our trip, I foolishly did not understand that it was possible to access the tidal pool from the public beach. You will understand my frustration, when I saw pictures and videos from people who visited the beach behind Robin's Nest after our return.

In order to celebrate our 5th anniversary, we decided to get back to Maui in October 2017, and again I insisted on staying for 3 days on Oahu, too. This time I had to see the tidal pool. I also arranged a flight with Paradise Helicopters in the Chopper replica, booking the Magnum P.I. tour, of course. Unfortunately during our stay on Oahu the weather was not very good, with rain and heavy winds, but at least on the morning of our helicopter flight the sun was shining. During our stay, we went to Pahonu twice, but it was rather high tide and raining (the low tide was during the night!), so I didn't manage to get to the tidal pool. At least I managed to take some pictures of the estate from the roadside. On the last day of our stay it was also very cloudy and a rather wavy sea, but at least I wanted to give it a third and final try, so we went to Waimanalo Beach Park one more time. Even though it was raining, the sky was cloudy and it slowly began getting dark, I packed my camera and mobile phone in a plastic bag and stepped into the water, while my wife waited for me in the car. The water was up to my hips on the first few meters, but a happy Robert managed to get to the tidal pool!

Mahalo if you read through this boring story so far. Apart from the Pahonu photos already posted in the 'Robin Masters Estate' thread, I will try post some pictures of other MPI places we have visited.
