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Member photos. Post 'em if you've got 'em.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:18 pm
by N1095A
If you want to that is. I think it would be nice to put faces with screen names. So if you have photos of yourself,
you and your family whatever, and want to share, by all means post yer pic. Come on, I was brave enough to stick my mug up there :shock:
Image Image
On the beach at Boca Grande, FL
Me and the Mrs. also at Boca Grande, FL
In case you're wondering, I rarely smile in photos not because I'm a grouch,
it's just that when I smile for a photo my whole face looks crooked. :roll:

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:29 am
by J.J. Walters
Ha, great to put a face to a name Mike!

What the heck, why not... here's a couple of me and my kids. These pictures are about two years old.



And here's me in the morning, before I've showered and had some coffee...



Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:30 pm
by N1095A
James J. Walters wrote:Ha, great to put a face to a name Mike!

What the heck, why not... here's a couple of me and my kids. These pictures are about two years old.



And here's me in the morning, before I've showered and had some coffee...


Nice photos James. Cute kids. Thanks!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:02 pm
by IKnowWhatYoureThinking

Unfortunately this is the only one I have handy. My wife says I look like one of the Sopranos in this picture. Please blame Mike for any shock the may cause!

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:00 am
by MPS
Me, my husband and two of the kids. It was taken a couple of years ago in London. ( And no, I'm not short, the rest are all 6 feet or taller :roll: In the case of my son, 6 inches taller. )

It's cool to see the faces behind the names. Great idea!


Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 5:03 pm
by N1095A
Wow, I thought this thread would be a bigger hit than this. By all means, don't be shy. We're all friends here.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:01 am
by SelleckLover

This is my glamour I don't really look like this. BTW...Photobucket sucks! I either had to post a huge, gigantic picture or this one...nothing in between, so I opted to have mercy on you guys and post the tiny one! :D
Oh, and yes, that's my REAL hair!

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:33 pm
by golfmobile

Oops! Sorry, clicked on wrong one. :lol: (Did anyone notice MGI's little team ring on his finger just below Rick's team ring on his wrist???)(and, yes, it's on his right hand, with his Rolex on his left wrist)

But I imagine everyone else has already seen Larry and me due to Oahu pictures elsewhere.

N1095A, you shoulda said it was Hawaii! We wouldn't have known the difference -- and it's really cool if the pictures we post are in Hawaii. Where the one of -- is it Steve? -- sitting on the concrete slab in the tidal pool?

Obviously, this is the Byoto-In Temple. :D


This is REALLY super idea! It's GREAT to see everyone. Now we know how to identify each other when we ever get together for our MM Convention! I'm STILL hoping for that!! (though it'll be hard to tell the guys apart because they'll all be wearing the parrot shirt)

IKWYT, you're going to believe this, but for some reason I thought you were a female!!! Boy, was I shocked to see your good-looking albeit Mafioso mug! :wink:


Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:41 pm
by N1095A
I cannot tell a lie Golf, Although I wish it was Hawaii, Boca Grande will have to do for now. I'll just tough it out. Diana and I spent the day there yeaterday. It's such a beautiful place. I just planned to go sit on the beach. I didn't take a swim suit because I figured the water would be too cold. We got there and everyone was in the water. I gave in to temptation and went in with my chothes on. Diana of course had her suit on. Lots of ocean Kayaks there too, I even saw an older gentleman on a Surf Ski. Once I start working again (hopefully soon) I want to get one of those. I'm kind of wary of the open kayak, if you roll it over it will fill with water, but I hear the Surf Skis are harder to get the hang of. TM was right about one thing, there's something about being in paradise thar makes unemployment easier to take.

By the way, Tell Larry he needs a Detroit Tigers cap. He's got the shirt, and 'stache. :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:51 pm
by golfmobile
I had enough trouble getting him into the shirt! Still can't get him in the red parrot one (maybe next trip . . . . ). I got him to wear that one only by reminding him how good he looks in black and purple (yeah, he bought that -- or else he got tired of my pleading and begging). But he does like the shirt. A pity it's "cut" so badly pattern-wise -- probably why I got it so cheaply. NOT good planning on the part of the pattern cutters.

Don't mind my teasing you about the pictures' not being taken in Hawaii! (Yes, that apostrophe is correct [has nothing to do with the word's being plural, except that it's plural possessive ] -- it's the possessive gerund. See Possessive Gerund. --GPSS)

I'm just envious you're so close to the shore!!


Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:18 pm
by SelleckLover

golfmobile wrote:
-- and it's really cool if the pictures we post are in Hawaii.
Here's a pic of me in front of a banyan tree on Oahu in 1988 when I was a mere child of 36 years old. Would you believe that tree was in a parking lot of a supermarket? Yep, it was! :D

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:28 pm
by golfmobile

TOO COOL!! Love it!


Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:35 am
by Miss Q
I dont remember how to download my pics...

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:10 am
by N1095A
Miss Q wrote:I dont remember how to download my pics...
Miss Q
First upload your photo to a free host site. I use image shack. then cpoy and paste the photo's address here, highlight it and click on IMG from the buttons above. If you want to send it to my email, I'd be happy to put it on my image shack account and put it up for you. My email is

SL, I'd never seen a banyan tree until I moved here. They're pretty cool huh?

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:55 am
by SelleckLover
N1095A wrote:
SL, I'd never seen a banyan tree until I moved here. They're pretty cool huh?
Yes, very cool how they grow, too.