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Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:01 am
by Jelly Doughnuts
Agatha wrote:I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "Series 1", Jelly Doughnuts. Are you watching the first "season?" I think you're right that there are more "Toms" in there at first. And by the time the later seasons roll around, I'm so used to hearing "Thomas" that when a "Tom" finds it's way into the dialogue, it almost confuses me!


Soooooo. As an Australian, what do you think of Quigley?

:) again!
Yes sorry "Season 1", typing with a toddler crawling on you can lead to some typos :P She (my toddler) loves the picture of "Maggum" at the top of the screen! And I agree, to hear "Tom" really throws me, particularly when he says it himself.

Re Quigley: At the risk of being shunned from this board, I've got to confess that my TS obsession is thus far limited to his role as Magnum. I've tried and tried to watch other stuff, but it just doesn't do it for me. In fact every non-Magnum appearance I see TS in kinda ruins things for me. I guess it's kind of like all the fake Santa's in the shopping mall vs a child's belief in Santa, because, well, I like to BELIEVE in Magnum - does that make any sense :oops: ?!? I like to believe that TM and Lily are living happily in Hawaii with Grandpa Higgins, enjoying a life with Uncle Rick and Uncle TC :D So seeing him in anything post Magnum is a bit too much of a reality shock and just a little bit crushing for me lol And that Agatha, was my very long way of saying, no I haven't and don't really intend on seeing Quigley (for now) :P

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:49 pm
by Agatha
Oh, so you have an "assistant," too? My "assistant" is a cat...Emily. She helps me add letters, as in rrrrrrrrrrrrr or mmmmmmmmmmmmm... whichever key she happens to be stepping what I'm typing!

You said, "I like to believe that TM and Lily are living happily in Hawaii with Grandpa Higgins, enjoying a life with Uncle Rick and Uncle TC" (I don't know how to do those rectangles that people do.)

HEAR! HEAR!! That's exactly what I want to believe as well! I'll confess that I'm past the Magnum Only stage and love most of Mr Selleck's other work...especially the cowboy roles. But you stick to your guns, Jelly Doughnut, and do what keeps Magnum special for you!

There's no shunning on this board. In fact, if you ever change your mind, this group will be here with suggestions about what other TS works you may want to see. In the meantime...Hooray for Thomas Magnum!!


Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:39 am
by Lt Tanaka
Agatha wrote:(I don't know how to do those rectangles that people do.)
Instead of clicking "reply" click on "quote" just above the message on the right.

Then just delete the parts inside the brackets that you don't want to quote and leave the parts you do.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:53 am
by Agatha
Hey, thanks, Lt Tanaka!!

Will I see that square before I submit my message or will it show up when the message comes up after I've submitted it?

PS - So glad to hear that you're safe!! I have another friend who's sister is also in Tokyo...and also safe!! You'll let us know if there's anything we can do besides send $$ via Red Cross?


Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:22 am
by Lt Tanaka
Agatha wrote:Will I see that square before I submit my message or will it show up when the message comes up after I've submitted it?
Below the box you will be editing / writing in you will see two buttons. "Submit" will put your message on the forum without giving you a chance to see what it looks like first. "Preview" will give you that chance.

Please bid on my auctions if you would like to help. ... 4340.l2562

It's mostly sumo stuff, but there are a couple of other things too.


Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:00 pm
by Jelly Doughnuts
Agatha wrote:Oh, so you have an "assistant," too? My "assistant" is a cat...Emily. She helps me add letters, as in rrrrrrrrrrrrr or mmmmmmmmmmmmm... whichever key she happens to be stepping what I'm typing!

You said, "I like to believe that TM and Lily are living happily in Hawaii with Grandpa Higgins, enjoying a life with Uncle Rick and Uncle TC" (I don't know how to do those rectangles that people do.)

HEAR! HEAR!! That's exactly what I want to believe as well! I'll confess that I'm past the Magnum Only stage and love most of Mr Selleck's other work...especially the cowboy roles. But you stick to your guns, Jelly Doughnut, and do what keeps Magnum special for you!

There's no shunning on this board. In fact, if you ever change your mind, this group will be here with suggestions about what other TS works you may want to see. In the meantime...Hooray for Thomas Magnum!!

Thanks Agatha! Sounds like there is hope for me to get past the "Magnum Only Stage" one day, let's hope so anyway! Oh and I also have a cat - my second "assistant", why do they insist on being on the flipping keyboard?!?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:15 pm
by Agatha
I think what they insist on is being the center of attention and if we're not smart enough to recognize that, they HAVE to walk on the keyboard to get their point across. It's a cat thing, I think!!

I wonder if Tom and Jilly have any cats...


Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:46 pm
by wdm
I heard he has quite a few dog and other animals, but I have not heard if he has cats.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:05 pm
by Agatha
I've heard that too, wdm, and I know he has horses...his daughter's and Spike, who was the horse he rode in Quigley.


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:12 pm
by Styles Bitchley
Jelly Doughnuts wrote:I've tried and tried to watch other stuff, but it just doesn't do it for me.
I can relate. I'm just a mag-man myself. Although I did really enjoy the Practical Guide to the Universe.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:25 am
by Styles Bitchley
My father in law just emailed me this. I'm sure it's posted somewhere else in the forum, but I thought I'd post it again for those who missed it. Most of the old ads are poor quality, but this one is very good:

Tom Selleck's First TV Commercial

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:33 am
by Jelly Doughnuts
Styles Bitchley wrote:My father in law just emailed me this. I'm sure it's posted somewhere else in the forum, but I thought I'd post it again for those who missed it. Most of the old ads are poor quality, but this one is very good:

Tom Selleck's First TV Commercial
I've watched this clip sooo many times, had this been on video tape I think I'd have worn a hole in the tape by now!*be still my beating heart* :oops:

TS at his best, and sans mo - who'd a thunk it!

And yes it has been posted on MM before here ... Clips.html
... I had it bookmarked :oops:

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:03 pm
by Styles Bitchley


Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:13 pm
by ConchRepublican
Styles Bitchley wrote:Weird...

More like disturbing . . .

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:18 pm
by sophia