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Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:50 pm
by ConchRepublican
N1095A wrote:
IKnowWhatYoureThinking wrote:We've added Burn Notice to our Netflix que, so I'll be interested to see what I think of the show.
From all reports Burn Notice is a good character driven show with many similar qualities to MPI. Problem is for me at least, I don't like the characters.
It took me a little while. I like the plots and style. To me it's a cross between Magnum and the Equalizer, plus something else I can't put my finger on.

The lead, Jeffrey Donovan, isn't what I expected, but I've warmed to him.

Sam Axe is the MAN.

Fiona . . . meh . . . her character is pretty good, but Gabrielle Anwar is practically one dimensional. And by that I mean if she turned sideways I think she may actually disappear! That woman is dangerously skinny. Disturbingly so.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:23 pm
by N1095A
ConchRepublican wrote: It took me a little while. I like the plots and style. To me it's a cross between Magnum and the Equalizer, plus something else I can't put my finger on.
The lead, Jeffrey Donovan, isn't what I expected, but I've warmed to him.
Sam Axe is the MAN.
Fiona . . . meh . . . her character is pretty good, but Gabrielle Anwar is practically one dimensional. And by that I mean if she turned sideways I think she may actually disappear! That woman is dangerously skinny. Disturbingly so.
A few months ago there was a Burn Notice marathon, and I took advantage of that to try and get into the show. You can clearly see the influence MPI had over the show, for some reason to me anyway it just doesn't work. I guess catching that lightning in a bottle that was MPI is more difficult than producers realize. I wanted to like the show. I like the concept. I also like the idea that they're shooting it in the actual city it's set in (Miami). The mother (Sharon Gless) reminds me a lot of my own mother who passed in 2006. Maybe in the future I'll give it another chance. Ironically, several months ago I got a casting call from the agency I'm registered with to be an extra in the show.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:35 am
by grapeshot
Burn Notice is FANTASTIC good fun. You won't regret wasting any DVR space for it. It's also the kind of show that you AND your spouse can both enjoy. It's clever, well written, has great characters, and every episode features plenty of action. You might even try renting the two previous seasons, just to see for yourself if I'm exaggerating or not. Burn Notice features a spy who was "burned" when his agency "disavowed any knowledge of him", leaving him high and dry in Miami. The show centers around how he tries to get by through helping "clients' fix the problems they're in. (Think Edward Woodward in The Equalizer, but with MacGyver's ability to hack anything.)

Oh, and I almost forgot. Michael Weston drives a very cool car, too.

Another good show is Leverage, which was renewed for a second season (on TNT). This features a disenchanted insurance investigator who left his firm after they refused to pay for his wife's cancer treatment. He recruited a team of talented grifters and criminals, and together they provide "leverage" for the common man when he's being oppressed by big corporations. Sure, the premise is a little shakey, but the characters and the stories in each episode are entertaining.

I really enjoy watching House (despite it's formulaic stories, the character is fascinating, and this season is better than the previous ones), Lie To Me (which recently kicked it up a notch -- last season it was a little staid), and The Mentalist. Oh, and I like Castle, too, which is kind of a throwback to older shows. I admit, it isn't edgy, or dark, but it's well written with interesting characters. I watch The Good Wife, too, but admittedly, it falls on the "chick flick" side of the spectrum, meaning not everybody will find it as fascinating as this chick does.

I'm sorry to say that I've gotten extremely tired of all of the Law & Order iterations, and all those innumerable CSI's. And the cheap reality shows are not worth commenting about.

Of the new shows this season, the only other one that I like is Community, which manages to be both edgy AND has a heart. Oh, and it's funny, too. Chevy Chase plays one of the peripheral characters, and he finally gets the right role to showcase his talent. (And...that right there might give you an indication of whether or not you're likely to like this show!) And, yes, to the amusement of us baby boomers, he still does his trademark falls -- which I think goes right over the head of most of the audience.

times are different

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:29 am
by Tidewater
Burn Notice is okay, like another said the lead takes some getting used to and the Character Sam is right on time!

other than 24, i really don't watch much Mainstream Media shows anymore. usually History, Discovery, TVLand or Hulu get my attention.

today as if it's not bad enough we have to have all the Mainstream Media Liberal News Outlets shoving their BS down our throats daily, then we have hour long dramas that follow their nightly news attempting to portray the American Public as a bunch of drug addicted liberal gay loving adulterers or child abused homicidal perverted sex crazed maniacs!

why can't they just leave the political ideology to Washington and produce the kinda TV shows like anyone over the age 35 -40 grew up with? joe

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:04 pm
by Dervish
ConchRepublican wrote:It took me a little while. I like the plots and style. To me it's a cross between Magnum and the Equalizer, plus something else I can't put my finger on.
I believe your finger is looking for MacGuyver.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:45 pm
by ConchRepublican
Dervish wrote:
ConchRepublican wrote:It took me a little while. I like the plots and style. To me it's a cross between Magnum and the Equalizer, plus something else I can't put my finger on.
I believe your finger is looking for MacGuyver.
I think you're right. I'll call my finger back now.


Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:44 am
by MACattack
There's no good shows left, unless you want to count "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy"!

As for modern music, GOOD music died with Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix!!!!