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Who Would TM Have Married?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:22 pm
by Jaybird
OK! I finished season 8 and just restarted with season 1. I've fantasized about a reunion special where everyone comes together with wives and families at the estate. Rick and TC are easy enough to figure out here. Higgins? Nothing would surprise me. But TM??

Anyway, after watching "Don't Eat the Snow in Hawaii", 1.1 and 1.2 again, I would have to say that my choice would be Alice Cook, Dan's sister, played by Pamela Susan Shoop. There is a scene at the end of 1.2 where Magnum says, in essence, they'll get together when the timing is right. We never see her again in the series but remember, Alice is from a Navy family, an admiral's daughter. TM is from a Navy family also. Perhaps, just perhaps, the timing would be right after 8 seasons for them to reunite.
As you mature I feel that you have a better chance of marrying someone you have alot in common with. I don't see Dana Delaney's character or Erin Grey's in the picture. I love Kathleen Lloyd as Carol and feel that they could be a match. I'd have to vote, ultimately, for Alice Cook. They reunite in episode 9.1!! Good match. What do you think?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:28 pm
by Frodoleader
A very interesting thread Jaybird! Honestly, I'd bet TM would not marry. I guess I see TM spending the rest of his life as a single dad, raising Lilly the best he could.
As for Carol, I see them more as a brother/sister relationship. Getting involved intimately would only ruin it. Cynthia (Dana Delany): just not in the stars for those two. Maybe you're right, if TM should marry again, it could possibly be Alice.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:24 pm
by Steve
I'm with Frodo, I don't think TM would have ever remarried. Michelle was so ingrained into his heart and soul and I think he would see her everytime he looked at Lilly. Now, another interesting question would be;
Say Magnum was on today (as a series) with the original cast. Of course you have to have a plethora of female guest stars as they did in the original. Would they have the guest stars be 20 to 30 years younger going after our 60-something hero, or would they be able to find enough 50-something cougars to peak our interest.........

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 5:22 am
by Jaybird
Dana and Alice and I am sure, Patrice Martinez (Linda Lee Eliason) are very nice looking. In fact, I've seen some recent pics of the first two and they are very attractive. Plus, TM isn't the kind of guy,a sleeze ball, to go after 20 somethings. He isn't a politician type.
Why he would be married? After the last episode in season 7 he returned as a much more mature guy. He grew up from being the "23
year old" that never got to experience his youth. He came to grips with his war experience and got that behind him. He re-upped and is now a senior officer in the Navy with a daughter to raise. He has to have a wife as he cannot take Lily with him on every assignment. In addition, I think Rick got out the "I do" and I'd believe that TC remarried his wife. When your friends marry it becomes easier for you to be married instead of being a spare tire.
Ultimately, I guess I am glad that it ended the way it did. Each of us can pleasantly imagine what the future had in store for TM, TC, Rick and Higgins.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:09 pm
by MACattack
I'm not sure who TM would've married, but in real life, Tom Selleck married Jillie Mack ( a co-star from a couple of episodes). How ironic!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:12 pm
by Tralfaz

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:49 pm
by Jaybird
Yeah, Maggie! She certainly is attracttive enough and there always was a bit of....tension. I am surprised that she was never involved romantically with TM in an episode.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:16 am
by MACattack
Yeah, I prefer red heads too!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:16 pm
by MrMoustache
darn it someone said maggie. me 2.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:58 am
by Higgy_baby
With the cold war over, maybe Magnum reunited with the Russian agent from Texas Lightning. Da, it's possible, but I think Magnum's a bachelor for life.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:35 am
by MrMoustache
it's really hard to say... although, in the story i am writing i also had maggie as a love interest. she provides allot of contrast to TMs personality, they have similar jobs, probably similar backgrounds. not to mention her arrival in the series is at a point where TM almost stops having "flings". I think that by far she'd be the girl to settle down with for him.